Sunday, 30 August 2015

Geography Bits

Question 1: Identify the climatic type which has cool summer (10 ° C to 15 ° C) and cold winter (0 ° C to 5 ° C) and rainfall throughout the year with no dry season

1. Df
2. Cw
3. Cs
4. Cf
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 2: Which one of the following latitudes forms a Great Circle?

1. 0 degree
2. 23-1/2 degree
3. 66-1/2 degree
4. 90 degree
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 3: Which of the following statements is/are correct? (1) The Russian platform is an extensive natural lowland. (2) The scandinavian Mountains were formed during the cambrian period. (3) Columbia-Snake plateau consists mainly of volcanic formations. (4) The Atlas Mountains are of Alpine orogeny.

1. 1, 2, 3, 4
2. 1, 2, 3
3. 1, 3, 4
4. 2, 3, 4
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 4: Large areas in India are subjected to considerable rainfall variability. Rainfall variability is likely to be the greates in areas of

1. Very high rainfall
2. High rainfall
3. Medium rainfall
4. Very low rainfall
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 5: Which of the following is NOT correctly matched?

1. Folkland Current – East coast of South America
2. Renell Current – Bay of Biscay
3. Irminger current – East coast of Greenland
4. Cayenne Current – East coast of Africa
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 6: The Pacific Ocean was named so by

1. Bartholomew Diaz
2. Magellan
3. Vasco da Gama
4. Columbus
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 7: Which type of forest belt supplies most of the world’s requirement of news print?

1. Evergreen forest
2. Deciduous forest
3. Coniferous forest
4. Mediterranean forest
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 8: Harvard Medical School is located in

1. Houston
2. Boston
3. New York
4. Texas
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 9: The hunting and gathering economy can support only

1. 1 person per sq. km
2. 3 persons per sq. km
3. 5 persons per sq. km
4. 7 persons per sq. km
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 10: The tropical cyclone of the Bay of Bengal are usually called

1. Hurricanes
2. Typhoons
3. Depression
4. Tornadoes
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 11: Which one of the following is not a correct example of tropical cyclones?

1. Tornado
2. Typhoons
3. Hurricanes
4. Northwesters
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 12: The first research project programme which focused on the El Nino – Southern Oscillation and its predictability was called

1. Climate Variability and Perdictability (CLIVAR)
2. Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX)
3. Global Change and Terrestrial Ecosystem (GCTE)
4. Tropical Ocean and Global Atmosphere (TOGA)
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 13: Where is the headquarters of WTO located

1. Hague
2. New Delhi
3. Geneva
4. New York
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 14: The Suez Canal shortened the distance between India and Europe by:

1. 4000 km
2. 5000 km
3. 6000 km
4. 7000 km
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 15: The shift of aluminium industry from the Dneiper region to Siberia was made possible because of

1. Exploration of new bauxite sources
2. Development of hydroelectricity
3. New favourable market location
4. Development of efficient transportation
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 16: Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

1. Szechwan Basin : Petroleum
2. Hainan region : Iron ore
3. Shansi region : Coal
4. Shensi region : Tin
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 17: Which country ranks top in the mining of gold?

1. India
2. South Africa
3. U.S.A.
4. Canada
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 18: The behavioural environment is meant by

1. Reality as it exists in nature
2. The decision based on reasoned thought
3. Man’s behaviour as a function of the environment
4. Reality as is perceived by individuals
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 19: Which place in the world is called as “Land of mid-night Sun”?

1. Bangladesh
2. Norway
3. South Africa
4. Japan
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 20: Which sea has been called the incubator of western civilization?

1. Black Sea
2. Mediterranean Sea
3. North Sea
4. Red Sea
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 21: what is the largest ocean in the world?

1. Atlantic
2. pacific
3. Arctic
4. Indian ocean
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 22: Mecca is located in

1. Saudi Arabia
2. Baharin
3. UAE
4. Qatar
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 23: Which one of the following is included in the World List of Biosphere Reserves by UNESCO?

1. Kinnaur Region
2. Spiti Valley
3. Nallamalai Hills
4. Sundererbans
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 24: Peru is the ——-country in South America.

1. third largest
2. largest
3. 2nd largest
4. 4th largest
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 25: Which one of the following statements is not correct about Netherlands?

1. It is the most densely populated country in Western Europe
2. It is an efficient dairy – producer in the European Community
3. It depends heavily on the imports of livestock feed
4. It is the largest exporter of butter in the world
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 26: Which City is Known as “City of Canals”?

1. Mexico
2. Venece
3. Damascus
4. Detroit
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 27: The layer of atmosphere which provides ideal flying conditions for largest jet aeroplane is

1. Troposphere
2. Stratosphere
3. Ionosphere
4. Exosphere
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 28: Which city once known as “Forbidden City”?

1. Nippon
2. Greenland
3. Peking
4. Detroit
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 29: Which one of the following pairs is NOT correctly matched?

1. Rotameter : used for measuring distances on maps
2. Planimeter : used for measuring areas on maps
3. Pantograph : used for reduction of maps
4. Ediograph : used for measuring volumes
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 30: Who is the Managing Director IMF?

1. Rodrigo Rato
2. Dominique Strauss-Kahn (New 5th July
Madame Christine Lagarde, from France)
3. Daniel Vasella
4. Alberto Foutana
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 31: What is the capital of Australia?

1. Sydney
2. Melbourne
3. Caneberra
4. Perth
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 32: Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer: List-I (Tribe) List-II (Country) A. Chukchi 1.
Indonesia B. Dayak 2. Mexico C. Lacandon 3. Russia D. Lese 4. Zaire

A-3 B-1 C-4 D-2
2. A-1 B-3 C-2 D-4
3. A-3 B-1 C-2 D-4
4. A-1 B-3 C-4 D-2
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 33: Tarim Basin of Sinkiang experience strong heat wave causing discomfort during early spring. The wind is popularly known as

1. Karaburan
2. Katabatic
3. Chinook
4. Fohn
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 34: who was the youngest president of USA

1. Bill Clinton
2. Theodore Roosewelt
3. Abraham Lincoln
4. Barak Obama
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 35: George Mason University is located in

1. Virginia
2. Illinois
3. Texas
4. New York
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 36: Who of the following revolutionaries set up the United India House in the USA?

1. Ramnath Puri and Vir Savarkar
2. Taraknath Das and G. D. Kumar
3. Lala Hardayal and Bhagat Singh
4. Harnam Singh and Bhagwan Singh
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 37: Capital of Qatar is

1. Doha
2. Riyadh
3. Abu Dhabi
4. Tel Aviv
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 38: Peru is the ——-country in South America.

1. third largest
2. largest
3. 2nd largest
4. 4th largest
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 39: Which one of the following natural regions is not correctly matched with its economic base?

1. Canadian Prairies : Spring wheat cultivation
2. Argentine Pampas : Beef cattle ranching
3. Australian Downs : Normadic herding
4. South African Veld : Maize growing
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 40: Baylor College of Medicine is located in

1. Houston
2. Boston
3. Illinois
4. Texas
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 41: On July 6, 2003, UNESCO designated —— as “World Heritage Site”

1. Tel Aviv
2. Doha
3. Dubai
4. Abu Dhabi
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 42: Who are Red Indians?

1. The old tribals of South India
2. Tribal inhabitants of Africa
3. Original inhabitants of America
4. None of these
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 43: The maximum length of a day on the poles is?

1. 12 hours
2. 24 hours
3. 3 months
4. 6 months
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 44: A place having an average annual temperature of 27 Degree centigrade and an annual rainfall of over 200 cms,could be

1. Moscow
2. Singapore
3. Nagpur
4. Teheran
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 45: The transition zone between two Ecosystem is called

1. Biome
2. Biotope
3. Ecotone
4. Sere
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 46: The climatic region with high temperature ,high relative humidity and low range of temperature is

1. Mediterranean
2. Monsoon
3. Savanna
4. Equatorial
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 47: Which is the lowest waterbody on earth?

1. Black sea
2. Dead sea
3. Aral sea
4. Red sea
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 48: Johns Hopkins University is located at

1. Baltimore
2. Texas
3. Illinois
4. Boston
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 49: Match List I with List II and select the correct code given below: List- I List- II (Waterfall) (Mode of Formation) (A) Kaieteur Falls (1) Hanging Valley Fall: (B) Living stone Falls (2) Caprock Fall (C) Yosemite Falls (3) Plateau Fall (D) Victoria Falls (4) Fault Line Scarp Fall
Code A B C D

1. 4 1 2 3
2. 4 2 1 3
3. 3 2 1 4
4. 3 1 2 4
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 50: Greenwich Mean Time is the local time of

1. 180 degree longitude
2. 80 degree west longitude
3. 0 degree longitude
4. 80 degree East longitude
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 51: Ratzel’s work was based on the concept

1. There is a dichotomy between physical and cultural aspects of geography
2. Geography is a scientific discipline
3. Physical environment controlled human activities
4. Geography is necessarily descriptive
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 52: Peru is a country located in

1. Western South America
2. Eastern South America
3. Southern South America
4. North part of South America
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 53: For his model of industrial location, Weber makes use of

1. Isogons
2. Isophenes
3. Isodapanes
4. Isotachs
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 54: The natural region which holds the Indian sub-continent is

1. Equatorial Climate Region
2. Mediterranean
3. Monsoon
4. Hot region
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 55: Identify the correct sequence of the given processes regarding rainfall :

1. Unsaturated air, condensation, dew point, precipitation
2. Dew point, condensation, unsaturated air, precipitation
3. Unsaturated air, dew point, condensation, precipitation
4. Dew point, precipitation, condensation, unsaturated air
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 56: Which is highest waterfall in the world?

1. Niagara
2. Angels
3. Jog FAlls
4. Thrimbika falls
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 57: Which one of the following concepts is associated with Vidal de La Blache?

1. Determinism
2. Possibilism
3. Environmentalism
4. Probabilism
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 58: Warm dry winds blowing down the east slopes of Rockies are known as

1. Fohn
2. Chinooh
3. Mistral
4. Northwesters
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 59: Hawaiion islands are located in

1. North Altantic Ocean
2. South Atlantic Ocean
3. North Pacific Ocean
4. South Pacific Ocean
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 60: Which country is an international leader in fishing, producing nearly 10 percent of the world’s fish catch?

1. Peru
2. Holland
3. NewZealand
4. Australia
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 61: An approach of reasoning from particular to general is known as

1. Positivist
2. Normative
3. Inductive
4. Deductive
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 62: Which country’s highest peak is Mt.Ararat?

1. China
2. Turkey
3. Singapore
4. Italy
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 63: Huntington is noted for describing

1. Man as a product of the earth’s surface
2. The evolution of landforms
3. The effects of climate on human life
4. The historical-ecological study of the cultural landscape
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 64: The contrast in economic development between Israel and the other South-West Asian countries is due to

1. Desertic conditions of other countries
2. Mineral wealth of Israel
3. Irrigation facilities available in Israel
4. High-technology revolution in Israel
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 65: Which one of the following sites of the Indus valley Civilization had an ancient dockyard?

1. Kalibangan
2. LothaI
3. Rangpur
4. Harappa
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 66: Which one of the following creature did come to the earth first?

1. Man
2. Ape Man
3. Fish
4. Monkey
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 67: Who reached the North Pole first ?
Who reached the North Pole first ?

1. captain Ronald Amundson
2. captain Ronald Amriego
3. Captain Rossario
4. None
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 68: Which one is the largest island of world?

1. England
2. Australia
3. Japan
4. New Guinea
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 69: Which one of the following statements explains that mining is “an increasing cost” economic activity?

1. Mine workers enhance their wages
2. Best and most easily available mineral deposits are mined first
3. Mining techniques becomes expensive
4. Mining royalties increase
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 70: What man made construction on earth visible from the moon with naked eye?

1. China Wall
2. Egypt Pyramids
3. Statue of Liberty
4. Eifle Tower
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 71: An early statement of Geography as Chorology was provided by

1. Kant
2. Humboldt
3. Ritter
4. Varenius
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 72: Which one of the following scholars was the first to divide the world landmass into three continents : Europe, Asia and Libya (Africa)?

1. Anaximander
2. Hecataeus
3. Herodotus
4. Eratoshenes
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 73: The exposed batholithic domes that have suffered intense fracture because of removal of the super incumbent load, resulting into massive joint are termed as-

1. Cuesta
2. Tors
3. Hogbacks
4. Mesa
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 74: The correct sequence of the natural regions of Brazil from north to south is

1. Amazon Basin, Mato Grosso Plateau, Brazilian Highlands, Campos
2. Amazon Basin, Brazilian Highlands, Campos, Mato Grosso Plateau
3. Brazilian Highlands, Mato Grosso Plateau, Amazon Basin, Campos
4. Mato Grosso Plateau, Campos, Brazilian Highlands, Amazon Basin
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 75: In the Northern hemisphere, the wind blowing from the Horse Latitudes to the Doldrums is called?

1. Westerly Wind
2. Trade Wind
3. Polar Easterly
4. Jet Stream
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 76: Kathiawar Peninsula is an example of

1. Emerged shoreline
2. Submerged shoreline
3. Ria shoreline
4. Dalmatian shoreline
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 77: Which one of the following is located in Russia?

1. Donetsk
2. Krivoirog
3. Zhitomir
4. Pechora
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 78: How many hours of daylight does the equator experience on September equinox?

1. 8 hours
2. 9 hours
3. 10 hours
4. 12 hours
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 79: The Mobility Transition Model of Migration was propounded by

1. Clark, W.A.V.
2. Lee, E.
3. Ravenstein, E. G.
4. Zelinsky, W.
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 80: The percentage of radiant energy, reflected back by a surface is called

1. Albedo
2. Greenhouse effect
3. Insolation
4. Refraction
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 81: Which was the last continent to be discovered by Europeans?

1. Antarctica
2. Greenland
3. Oceania/Australia
4. South America
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 82: Which among the following is a land locked sea?

1. Timor sea
2. Arafura Sea
3. Greenland Sea
4. Aral Sea
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 83: “The Inverse Distance Law” of migration of Population was propounded by:

1. D. J. Bouge.
2. S. Stouffer
3. G. K. Ziph
4. E. G. Ravenstein
Correct Answer: 4.

Question 84: Which is the world’s smallest ocean?

1. Atlantic
2. Antarctic
3. Arctic
4. Indian
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 85: In the Newling model on urban population density distribution, the term ‘Density Crater’ is applied to

1. Central Business District
2. High income residential area
3. Suburb
4. Zone in Transition
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 86: In A.D. the eruption of which volcano destroyed Pompeii?

1. Mt Vesuvius
2. Mt Etna
3. Stramboli Island
4. Mt Kilimanjaro
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 87: Lava cools down is fissures and solidifies to give

1. Locolith
2. Sill
3. Dyke
4. None of the above
Correct Answer: 1.

Question 88: In which one of the following areas of South – East Asia, is there the largest concentration of peasant population ?

1. In areas of shifting cultivation
2. On island areas where grain farming is carried on
3. On highland areas where the climate is cooler and healthier
4. On cleared lowland forest areas
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 89: The International Date line is located in the

1. Pacific Ocean
2. Atlantic Ocean
3. Indian Ocean
4. Arctic Ocean
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 90: The layer of the water in the oceans that separates the warmer surface layer from the deeper cold layer is called.

1. Hypotherm
2. Thermocline
3. Epiliminion
4. Hypsotherm
Correct Answer: 2.

Question 91: Which of the following deltas is the biggest in the world?

1. The delta of Missisipi river
2. The delta of Kaveri river
3. The Sundarbans
4. The Danuble Delta
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 92: A person moving from Chile to Brazil along the coast has to cross

1. Bass Strait
2. Cook Strait
3. Magellan Strait
4. Torres strait
Correct Answer: 3.

Question 93: The Colby hypothesis offers a dynamic explanation of

1. Urban development
2. Landuse development
3. Sustainable development
4. Rural development
Correct Answer: 1.

1. Which of the following pairs does not match ?
(A) Trans Siberian Railway—Moscow to Vladivostok
(B) Canadian Pacific Railway—Halifax to Vancouver
(C) Orient Express Railway—Paris to Istanbul
(D) Cape Cairo Railway—Warsaw to Madrid

2. Which is the largest canal of the world ?
(A) Suez canal
(B) Panama canal
(C) Kra canal
(D) Bhakra canal

3. Which of the following are connected by Suez canal ?
(A) Red Sea and Dead Sea
(B) Red Sea and Arabian Sea
(C) Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea
(D) Red Sea and Black Sea

4. Which of the following ports is not situated at Pacific coast ?
(A) Vancouver
(B) Los Angeles
(C) San Francisco
(D) Miami

5. Which of the following airports is not situated at New York-Tokyo air route ?
(A) London
(B) Paris
(C) Rome
(D) Panama

6. Which of the following occupations is not related to tertiary economy ?
(A) Transport
(B) Hunting and gathering
(C) Trade
(D) Communication

7. In which region of the world are nights the winters ?
(A) Tundra region
(B) Mediterranean region
(C) Tropical desert region
(D) Equatorial region

8. Which of the following is not the most developed part of the world ?
(A) Most of the Western Europe
(B) Japan
(C) Nepal
(D) South-East Australia

9. The school of Environmental Determinism was born in—
(A) Germany
(B) India
(C) England
(D) France

10. Who was the father of the school of possibilism ?
(A) Davis
(B) Chisolm
(C) Vidal-de-la-Blache
(D) Aristotle

11. Which of the following is secondary consumer ?
(A) Goat
(B) Lion
(C) Reindeer
(D) None of these

12. How much is the area of India ?
(A) 32,87,263 sq. km
(B) 99,76,140 sq. km
(C) 95,97,000 sq. km
(D) 31,40,200 sq. km

13. Which is the southern-most point of India ?
(A) Kanyakumari
(B) Goa
(C) Indira point
(D) Rameshwaram

14. From economic point of view, the most important rocks are—
(A) Dharwar
(B) Gondwana
(C) Vindhyan
(D) Cuddapah

15. The stretch of the Himalayas between the Indus and the Sutlej rivers is called—
(A) The Assam Himalayas
(B) The Punjab Himalayas
(C) The Nepal Himalayas
(D) The Kumaon Himalayas

16. The flood plain along river banks formed by newer alluvium is called—
(A) Bhabar
(B) Khadar
(C) Tarai
(D) Bangar

17. Which river is known as the ‘Sorrow of Bihar’ ?
(A) Kosi
(B) Chambal
(C) Gandak
(D) Son

18. In which state are the Mahadeo hills located ?
(A) Bihar
(B) Rajasthan
(C) Madhya Pradesh
(D) Chhattisgarh

19. The ‘Kalabaisakhis’ originate during—
(A) Winter season
(B) Rainy season
(C) Period of retreating monsoon
(D) Summers

20. What type of forests are the ‘Sunderbans’ ?
(A) Tidal forests
(B) Monsoon forests
(C) Tropical Evergreen forests
(D) Temperate Evergreen forests

21. The ‘Regur’ soil is—
(A) Red soil
(B) Black soil
(C) Alluvial soil
(D) None of these

22. Which river basin has the maximum amount of water available for irrigation ?
(A) The Ganga
(B) The Indus
(C) The Brahmaputra
(D) Mahanadi

23. Which state of India is the largest producer of Iron ore ?
(A) Karnataka
(B) Orissa
(C) Jharkhand
(D) Madhya Pradesh

24. Which mineral is known as ‘Black Gold’ ?
(A) Iron ore
(B) Bauxite
(C) Coal
(D) Manganese

25. Which food grain occupies the largest cropped area in India ?
(A) Maize
(B) Wheat
(C) Rice
(D) Sugarcane

26. Which of the following states is the largest producer of wheat ?
(A) Punjab
(B) Uttar Pradesh
(C) Haryana
(D) Madhya Pradesh

27. The leading jowar (Sorghum) producing state in India is—
(A) Maharashtra
(B) Andhra Pradesh
(C) Karnataka
(D) Bihar

28. Which of the following is a cash crop ?
(A) Rice
(B) Wheat
(C) Jowar
(D) Sugarcane

29. Which of the following is a fibre crop ?
(A) Sugarcane
(B) Jute
(C) Wheat
(D) Maize

30. Which of the following states is the leading producer of sugarcane in India ?
(A) Uttar Pradesh
(B) Madhya Pradesh
(C) Punjab
(D) Bihar

31. Which Indian state has the highest per hectare production of cotton ?
(A) Haryana
(B) Maharashtra
(C) Tamil Nadu
(D) Punjab

32. Which state is the largest producer of tea in India ?
(A) Assam
(B) West Bengal
(C) Kerala
(D) Karnataka

33. Which of the following is a basis to divide agriculture into different types ?
(A) Cropping system
(B) Water supply and moisture
(C) Availability of land
(D) All of these

34. In India, the local name of shifting cultivation is—
(A) Jhum
(B) Kumari
(C) Penda
(D) All of these

35. Which city of Madhya Pradesh, as per census of 2001, is most populated ?
(A) Jabalpur
(B) Mandsaur
(C) Bhopal
(D) Indore

36. What is the problem faced by Indian farmers ?
(A) Small and fragmented land holdings
(B) Lack of capital
(C) Faulty marketing system
(D) All of the above

37. Which of the following is not a merit of green revolution ?
(A) Increase in agricultural production
(B) Reduction in the import of food grains
(C) Prosperity of the farmers
(D) Regional imbalance

38. What is National Water Grid Plan ?
(A) To link the Himalayan rivers with peninsular rivers
(B) To link east and west flowing rivers of the peninsular
(C) To link the rivers of India with the rivers of Pakistan
(D) None of the above

39. Which of the following is called the ‘Cottonopolis’ of India ?
(A) Kanpur
(B) Agra
(C) Mumbai
(D) Ahmedabad

40. After crushing the sugarcane, the left over baggasse is used as :
(A) Fuel
(B) Mixed with jaggery (‘gur’)
(C) Mixed in sugar
(D) None of the above

41. Which of the following raw materials is needed for the manufacturing of cement ?
(A) Limestone
(B) Sea shells
(C) Slag from steel plant
(D) All of the above

42. Which of the following cement plants is located in Madhya Pradesh ?
(A) Satna
(B) Durg
(C) Narnaul
(D) None of these

43. Which of the following factors is responsible for regional disparities in India ?
(A) Regional variations in relief
(B) High incoherence of temperature in different parts of India
(C) Regional variations in the availability of minerals
(D) All of the above

44. Which of the following is not an area of the highest agricultural productivity ?
(A) Punjab
(B) Haryana
(C) Madhya Pradesh
(D) Western Uttar Pradesh

45. Who used the method of ranking coefficient for the first time in India in order to calculate agricultural productivity ?
(A) Prof. Mohammed Shafi
(B) Prof. Jasbir Singh
(C) Prof. M.G. Kendall
(D) Prof. Dudley Stamp

46. Which of the following is a method to eradicate poverty ?
(A) More investment in productive activities
(B) Increased savings
(C) Population control
(D) All of the above

47. Which is the period of rapid growth of India's population ?
(A) 1901–1921
(B) 1921–1951
(C) 1951–1981
(D) 1981–2001

48. Which of the following is an effect of globalization on India ?
(A) Increase in foreign trade
(B) Increase in the number of foreign banks
(C) Direct foreign investment
(D) All of the above

49. Which of the following is a result of ‘Green House Effect’ ?
(A) Rise in temperature
(B) Industrial development
(C) Population growth
(D) None of these

50. Which disease is not caused by drinking polluted water ?
(A) Cholera
(B) Diarrhoea
(C) Jaundice

51. Which of the following states of India has the highest sex ratio ?
(A) Chhattisgarh
(B) Kerala
(C) Tamil Nadu
(D) Nagaland

52. Which one of the following Indian cities has population more than 50 lakh, as per the census of 2001 ?
(A) Rajkot
(B) Ludhiana
(C) Jaipur
(D) Hyderabad

53. Which of the following states does not have common boundary with Madhya Pradesh ?
(A) Gujarat
(B) Rajasthan
(C) Jharkhand
(D) Bihar

54. Which of the following landforms is not found in Madhya Pradesh ?
(A) Betul Plateau
(B) Pulicat Lake
(C) Bharner Mountain Range
(D) Kaimur Hills

55. The ‘Bad land’ landform is found in—
(A) Thar desert
(B) Chambal valley
(C) Sundarban delta
(D) Gulf of Kachchh

56. Which state of India is the largest producer of diamond ?
(A) Madhya Pradesh
(B) Chhattisgarh
(C) Jharkhand
(D) Rajasthan

57. Which of the following pairs is not correct ?
(A) Assam—Magh Bihu
(B) Haryana—Tea Festival
(C) Punjab—Hola Mohalla
(D) Madhya Pradesh—Fair of Nagaji

58. Which state is the only producer of tin in India ?
(A) West Bengal
(B) Jammu and Kashmir
(C) Assam
(D) Madhya Pradesh

59. The total number of districts in Madhya Pradesh is—
(A) 25
(B) 48
(C) 47
(D) 37

60. What is the name of handicrafts emporia centres of Madhya Pradesh ?
(A) Koel
(B) Mayur
(C) Kingfisher
(D) Mriganayanee

61. Which ocean, according to Wegener, surrounded Pangaea on all sides ?
(A) Panthalassa
(B) Indian Ocean
(C) Atlantic Ocean
(D) Arctic Ocean

62. Many island arcs and peripheral trenches of the Pacific Ocean are the result of—
(A) The convergence of two continental plates
(B) The convergence of a continental plate and an oceanic plate
(C) The convergence of two oceanic plates
(D) None of the above

63. Exfoliation is most active—
(A) in regions where frost occurs regularly
(B) in limestone areas
(C) at high altitudes
(D) in arid or semi-arid regions, which have a large diurnal range of temperature

64. Which of the following landforms is not formed by weathering ?
(A) Rift valley
(B) Crevasses
(C) Talus
(D) Yardang

65. Which of the following is not a process of river erosion ?
(A) Hydraulic action
(B) Deflation
(C) Corrosion
(D) Attrition

66. Which of the following landforms is formed by glacier ?
(A) Tarn
(B) Lagoon
(C) Lappies
(D) Doline

67. With what are the Inselberg and Hamada associated ?
(A) Glacial erosion
(B) Wind erosion
(C) River erosion
(D) Wind deposition

68. Which of the following is a Caldera lake ?
(A) Lake Chilka
(B) Lake Pulicat
(C) Lake Toba
(D) None of these

69. Which instrument is used for measuring the intensity of an earthquake ?
(A) Seismograph
(B) Hythergraph
(C) Altimeter
(D) None of these

70. Which of the following pairs is correct ?
(A) Alfred Wegener—Plate Tectonics
(B) Archdeacon pratt—Continental Drift Theory
(C) William Moris Davis—Geographical Cycle of Erosion
(D) Walter Penck—Theory of Isostasy

71. Which of the following is an example of volcanic mountains ?
(A) Rockies
(B) Fujiyoma
(C) Salt range
(D) Caucasus

72. The example of an intermontane plateau is—
(A) The Plateau of Bolivia
(B) The Plateau of Antrim
(C) The Deccan Plateau
(D) The Plateau of Pantagonia

73. Monadnocks are situated in—
(A) Mountain
(B) Fold mountain
(C) Peneplain
(D) Loess plain

74. That layer of the atmosphere, where ozone gas is found—
(A) Troposphere
(B) Stratosphere
(C) Mesosphere
(D) Thermosphere

75. Radiant energy from the sun that strikes the earth is called—
(A) Solar constant
(B) Insolation
(C) Heat budget
(D) Terrestrial radiation

76. The maximum annual range of temperature occurs over—
(A) Poles
(B) Near the equator
(C) Coastal regions
(D) Asia and North America at latitude 60°N

77. Which of the following are horse latitudes ?
(A) 30°to 35°latitudes in both the hemispheres
(B) 10°North latitude
(C) 60°latitude
(D) None of the above

78. Which of the following statements is not true ?
(A) When the temperature of air increases, the pressure of air decreases
(B) When the temperature of air decreases, the pressure of air increases
(C) A rising thermometer shows a falling barometer
(D) When air rises, the pressure of air increases

79. Which pair is incorrect ?
(A) Fohn—Dry and warm wind
(B) Chinook —Snow eater
(C) Mistral —Winter season
(D) Bora —North America

80. Which of the following is not a cyclone ?
(A) Tornado
(B) Hurricane
(C) Typhoon
(D) Sirocco

81. Which one of the following is not erosional landform of wind ?
(A) Cirque
(B) Inselberg
(C) Mushroom rock
(D) Zeugen

82. Which type of rainfall occurs over north-west India during winter season ?
(A) Cyclonic rainfall
(B) Orographic rainfall
(C) Convectional rainfall
(D) Anticyclonic rainfall

83. In which of the spheres of the atmosphere temperature decreases at the rate of 6.5°centigrade with a height of one thousand metres ?
(A) Mesosphere
(B) Ionosphere
(C) Ozonosphere
(D) Troposphere

84. Ratio between water and land on the earth is —
(A) 78 : 22
(B) 71 : 29
(C) 80 : 20
(D) 20 : 80

85. The northern hemisphere is called as—
(A) The land hemisphere
(B) The water hemisphere
(C) Water planet
(D) None of these

86. The ocean’s greatest depth is—
(A) Aleutian Trench
(B) Japan Trench
(C) Mariana Trench
(D) Java Trench

87. The zone of highest salinity is—
(A) The tropical zone of the sea
(B) The temperate zone of the sea
(C) The polar zone of the sea
(D) None of the above

88. Which one of the following is a warm ocean current ?
(A) Kurushio current
(B) California current
(C) Okhotsk current
(D) Falkland current

89. Which one of the following is an example of coral island ?
(A) Ellice
(B) Barren
(C) Krakatao
(D) Sandwich

90. Which one of the following is an activity of the Eskimos and Lapps ?
(A) Agriculture
(B) Plantation agriculture
(C) Hunting and fishing
(D) None of these

91. Bushman is associated with—
(A) Kalahari desert
(B) Congo basin
(C) Himalaya mountains
(D) Malwa plateau

92. Which one of the following is not a habitat of the Santhals ?
(A) West Bengal
(B) Orissa
(C) Jharkhand
(D) Punjab

93. Which state of India has the highest percentage of scheduled tribe population ?
(A) Mizoram
(B) Nagaland
(C) Meghalaya
(D) Assam

94. Which continent has the highest growth of population ?
(A) Africa
(B) South America
(C) Europe
(D) Asia

95. Which is not a sparsely populated area ?
(A) Cold Polar Region
(B) Sahara
(C) South-Eastern Asia
(D) Kalahari

96. Which one of the following has maximum farm-houses ?
(A) India
(B) United States of America
(C) China
(D) Japan

97. Which one of the following is a mining city ?
(A) Kalgoorlie
(B) Oxford
(C) Singapore
(D) Islamabad

98. Which one of the following pairs is correct ?
(A) Concentric Zone Theory—E.W. Burgess
(B) Sector Theory—Alfred Weber
(C) Multi-Nuclei Theory—Homer Hoyt
(D) Fused Growth Theory—Griffith Taylor

99. The largest producer of rice in the world is—
(A) India
(B) Sri Lanka
(C) China
(D) Bangladesh

100. Which one of the following geographical conditions is not favourable for wheat cultivation ?
(A) 10°celcius temperature at the time of sowing
(B) Loamy soils
(C) More than 250 cm annual rainfall
(D) Level land

101. Which of the following is also grown as a ‘Zaid’ crop ?
(A) Sugarcane
(B) Cotton
(C) Maize for fodder
(D) Jute

102. Tea can be grown on—
(A) Hill slopes
(B) Plains
(C) Swamps
(D) None of these

103. Which of the following is a plantation crop ?
(A) Wheat
(B) Maize
(C) Barley
(D) Coffee

104. Which of the following is not a rubber producing country ?
(A) Thailand
(B) India
(C) Sri Lanka
(D) None of these

105. Which of the following statements is correct in relation to cotton production ?
(A) Cotton is grown in tropical areas
(B) Sri Lanka is the largest exporter of cotton
(C) Cotton is a dominant crop in areas of over 1000 cm annual rainfall
(D) Cotton can also be grown in Tundra region

106. Which state of India has the largest area under forests ?
(A) Punjab
(B) Madhya Pradesh
(C) Maharashtra
(D) Bihar

107. Grand Bank is a major producer of—
(A) Rice
(B) Marine fisheries
(C) Iron ore
(D) Tea

108. Which of the following is a type of iron ore ?
(A) Anthracite
(B) Lignite
(C) Peat
(D) Limonite

109. Manganese is used for making—
(A) Iron and steel
(B) Paint
(C) China clay
(D) In all these

110. Which state of India is the largest producer of copper ?
(A) Madhya Pradesh
(B) Rajasthan
(C) Jharkhand
(D) Assam

111. Bauxite is used for making—
(A) Coal
(B) Gold
(C) Aluminium
(D) None of these

112. Which continent of the world has the maximum known coal reserves ?
(A) North America
(B) South America
(C) Australia
(D) Africa

113. Which of the following pairs is correct ?
(A) Jharia coalfield—Jharkhand
(B) Girdih coalfield—West Bengal
(C) Korba coalfield—Madhya Pradesh
(D) Umaria coalfield—Chhattisgarh

114. In which rocks are the oil reserves mainly found in India ?
(A) Igneous
(B) Sedimentary
(C) Metamorphic
(D) None of these

115. Which of the following pairs does not match ?
(A) Lower Sileru—Andhra Pradesh
(B) Nagarjun Sagar—Karnataka
(C) Koyna—Maharashtra
(D) Pong—Punjab

116. Which of the following pairs is not correct ?
(A) Jog—Waterfall
(B) Ankleshwar—Mineral oilfield
(C) Bokaro—Gold mine
(D) Paradwip—Iron and steel plant

117. Not related to textile industry is—
(A) Spinning
(B) Weaving
(C) Jute
(D) Pulp

118. Which is India's first oil refinery ?
(A) Digboi
(B) Panipat
(C) Trombay
(D) Vishakhapatnam

119. Manchester is known for—
(A) Silk Industry
(B) Woollen Textile
(C) Cotton Textile
(D) None of these

120. Which is the most universal mode of transport ?
(A) Road Transport
(B) Rail Transport
(C) Ocean Transport
(D) None of these

(D) 2. (D) 3. (C) 4. (D) 5. (D) 6. (B) 7. (C) 8. (C) 9. (A) 10. (C)
11. (D) 12. (A) 13. (C) 14. (A) 15. (B) 16. (B) 17. (A) 18. (C) 19. (D) 20. (A)
21. (B) 22. (B) 23. (B) 24. (C) 25. (C) 26. (B) 27. (A) 28. (D) 29. (B) 30. (A)
31. (D) 32. (A) 33. (D) 34. (D) 35. (D) 36. (D) 37. (D) 38. (D) 39. (C) 40. (A)
41. (D) 42. (A) 43. (D) 44. (C) 45. (C) 46. (D) 47. (C) 48. (D) 49. (A) 50. (D)
51. (B) 52. (D) 53. (D) 54. (B) 55. (B) 56. (A) 57. (B) 58. (D) 59. (B) 60. (D)
61. (A) 62. (B) 63. (D) 64. (A) 65. (B) 66. (A) 67. (B) 68. (C) 69. (A) 70. (C)
71. (B) 72. (A) 73. (C) 74. (B) 75. (B) 76. (D) 77. (A) 78. (D) 79. (D) 80. (D)
81. (A) 82. (A) 83. (D) 84. (B) 85. (A) 86. (C) 87. (A) 88. (A) 89. (A) 90. (C)
91. (A) 92. (D) 93. (A) 94. (A) 95. (C) 96. (B) 97. (A) 98. (A) 99. (C) 100. (C)
(C) 102. (A) 103. (D) 104. (D) 105. (A) 106. (B) 107. (B) 108. (D) 109. (D) 110. (B) 111. (C) 112. (A) 113. (A) 114. (B) 115. (B)
116. (*) In given pairs (C) and (D) pairs are incorrect. So this question is wrong.
117. (D) 118. (A) 119. (C) 120. (A)

1. Which of the following statements about the shape of the Earth is correct ?
(A) It is oblate spheroid
(B) It bulges slightly at the poles
(C) It is a little flattened at the Equator
(D) It is exactly spherical in shape without any bulge at any place

2. Which one of the following is the correct sequence of landforms developed under fluvial cycle of erosion ?
(A) Gorge, flood plain, piedmont plain, delta
(B) Gorge, piedmont plain, flood plain, delta
(C) Gorge, piedmont plain, delta, flood plain
(D) Piedmont plain, gorge, flood plain, delta

3. Spring equinox falls on—
(A) March 21
(B) June 21
(C) September 23
(D) December 22

4. Relative humidity refers to—
(A) Absolute amount of water vapour in the atmosphere
(B) The amount of hygroscopic nuclei in the atmosphere
(C) Saturated vapour pressure
(D) Rate of actual amount of water vapour in the air to the amount it could hold at that temperature

5. Solar energy which reaches the earth surface is called—
(A) Radiated energy
(B) Radiant
(C) Sunlight
(D) Conduction

6. A broad channel where the waters of a river and a sea mingle is called—
(A) a delta
(B) an estuary
(C) a harbour
(D) a strait

7. Assertion (A) : In orographic nature of rainfall, the windward slope of a mountain range gets more rainfall than the lea ward slope.
Reason (R) : The warm and humid air that descends down the slope get warmed up and dry.
Codes :
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

8. During which period did the domestication of plants and animals take place ?
(A) Paleolithic period
(B) Mesolithic period
(C) Neolithic period
(D) Dark age

9. What is the main occupation of Eskimos ?
(A) Summer cultivation
(B) Winter woodwork
(C) Fishing and Hunting
(D) Handicrafts

10. The process of gradual spread over space of people or ideas from the centre of origin is known as—
(A) Distribution
(B) Diffusion
(C) Innovation
(D) Decentralization

11. Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched ?
(A) Masai — Matagonia
(B) Kirghiz — Kazakhstan
(C) Melanesians — Malaysia
(D) Pygmies — Tanzania

12. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists—
List-I (Tribe)
(a) Jarwa
(b) Todas
(c) Angami
(d) Saura
List-II (Occupation)
1. Shifting cultivation
2. Terraced cultivation
3. Pastoral
4. Food gathering
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 3 4 1 2
(B) 4 3 1 2
(C) 4 3 2 1
(D) 3 4 2 1

13. Which one of the following agricultural pattern is not practiced in Western Europe ?
(A) Dairy farming
(B) Mixed farming
(C) Market gardening
(D) Intensive subsistence farming

14. Which of the following statements are correct ?
1. Lignite and low grade bituminous coal were formed during the Quaternary period.
2. Dolomite is used as refractory material and flux in iron and steel industry.
3. Chhota Nagpur Plateau is the most extensive, rich and diversified mineral belt.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below :
(A) 1, 2 and 3
(B) 1 and 2
(C) 2 and 3
(D) 1 and 3

15. Assertion (A) : All biotic resources are renewable.
Reason (R) : Biotic resources can reproduce and regenerate their population as long as environmental conditions remain favourable.
Of these statements—
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is false but (R) is true.
(D) (A) is true but (R) is false.

16. Which of the folllowing pairs are correctly matched ?
Industrial Region
Major Industrial Centres

1. Ukraine
Krivoy Rog
2. Kuzbas Novosibirsk
3. Central Asia Karaganda
4. Volga Moscow

Select the correct answer using the codes given below—
Codes :
(A) 1 and 3
(B) 1 and 2
(C) 2 and 3
(D) 1, 2 and 3

17. The extensive coffee plantation in Brazil is called—
(A) Fazendas
(B) Trasil
(C) Corrals
(D) Estancias

18. Myanmar is industrially backward because of—
(A) Easy livelihood from agriculture
(B) Uneven land surface
(C) Limited local market
(D) Lack of iron ore and coal

19. If the map drawn to a scale of 1 cm to 30 km is to be enlarged three times, then representative fraction of the enlarged map will be—
(A) 1 : 1,000,000
(B) 1 : 3,000,000
(C) 1 : 6,000,000
(D) 1 : 9,000,000

20. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists—
List-I (Instruments)
(a) Planimeter
(b) Pantograph
(c) Parallex bar
(d) Clinometer
List-II (Purpose)
1. Measures angles and slopes on ground
2. Calculation of areas on maps
3. Enlargement and reduction of maps
4. Measures the elevation from the photographs
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 4 2 3 1
(B) 2 1 3 4
(C) 2 3 4 1
(D) 1 3 4 2

21. The contours merge and run as a single line for a short distance in the case of a—
(A) Cliff
(B) Knobe
(C) Gorge
(D) Re-entrant

22. What are Cadastral maps used for ?
(A) To show the boundaries of fields and buildings
(B) To show urban areas
(C) To demarcate wasteland
(D) To demarcate land use pattern

23. Ergograph relates to—
(A) Relative humidity and rainfall
(B) Temperature and rainfall
(C) Climate and growing season of crops
(D) Rainfall and winds

24. A line on a map joining points in the oceans that have equal salinity is called—
(A) Isobath
(B) Isocline
(C) Isohaline
(D) Isogonic

25. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists—
List-I (Mountains)
(a) Andes
(b) Appalacian
(c) Vesuvius
(d) Catskill
List-II (Type)
1. Old folded
2. New folded
3. Residual
4. Volcanic
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 2 1 4 3
(B) 1 4 3 2
(C) 3 2 4 1
(D) 4 3 2 1

26. Conventional storms in the Atlantics are known as—
(A) Hurricanes
(B) Typhoons
(C) Cyclones
(D) Tornadoes

27. Consider the following statements and select correct answer from the codes given below :
Assertion (A) : Podzol soils are poor in bases.
Reason (R) : They develop in tropical areas.
Codes :
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

28. The largest number and widest variety of plants and animals would be found in—
(A) Tropical grasslands
(B) Tropical forests
(C) Temperate forests
(D) Temperate grasslands

29. A natural region has the similarity of—
(A) climate and natural vegetation
(B) climate and occupation
(C) soil and drainage
(D) economic base and natural vegetation

30. Consider the following statements and select correct answer from the codes given below—
Assertion (A) : The population of the world has experienced an unprecedented growth during the 20th Century.
Reason (R) : Rapid advances in medical technology reduced death rate of population very significantly during the 20th
Codes :
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

31. Which one of the following is the most significant ecological determinant of population distribution in the world ?
(A) Physical features
(B) Mortality rate
(C) Land fertility
(D) Climate

32. Population growth in most of the developing countries of Asia is determined by—
(A) Birth rate and migration
(B) Migration and death rate
(C) Birth rate, death rate and migration
(D) Birth rate and death rate

33. The people of which country are known as Magyars ?
(A) Hungary
(B) Slovakia
(C) Austria
(D) Romania

34. Non-commercial pastoral nomadism is a way of life in the—
(A) Velds of South Africa
(B) Steppes of Mangolia
(C) Prairies of Canada
(D) Australian downs

35. Consider the following statement and select correct answer from the codes given below :
Assertion (A) : When British Rule ended in India, many Anglo-Indians migrated to Australia.
Reason (R) : Some migrations are caused by religious attraction.
Codes :
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

36. Hunting and fishing is the main occupation of the people living in—
(A) Equatorial regions
(B) Polar regions
(C) Temperate grasslands
(D) Semi-desertic regions

37. There are rich fishing grounds off the coast of Peru and Chile for the reason of—
(A) Shallow continent shelf
(B) Convergence of cold and warm currents
(C) Upwelling of water from deeper layers
(D) Flow of warm ocean currents

38. Consider the following statement and select the correct answer from the codes given below :
Assertion (A) : The boundary marking the termination of tree growth is known as timber line.
Reason (R) : Its location is determined by the amount of moisture, exposure, evaporation and depth of snow.
Codes :
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

39. The breed of sheep which produces the best quality wool is—
(A) Kutchi
(B) Merino
(C) Chokla
(D) Magra

40. Agriculture involving both crops and livestock is called—
(A) Intensive farming
(B) Extensive farming
(C) Mixed farming
(D) Double farming

41. Laterization process forms—
(A) A layer rich in minerals
(B) A layer rich in iron contents
(C) A layer rich in living organisms
(D) A layer rich in calcium

42. Which one of the following countries leads in export of condensed milk ?
(A) India
(B) Belgium
(C) Italy
(D) Netherlands

43. Which one of the following is not true about Singapore, the smallest country in Southeast Asia ?
(A) Has no natural resources
(B) Has the highest per capita income in whole of Southeast Asia
(C) Has non-strategic location
(D) Has well-educated population

44. Which one of the following countries in Southwest Asia has the largest well-irrigated farmland ?
(A) Lebanon
(B) Syria
(C) Iraq
(D) Jordan

45. Which one of the following regions is called as ‘rust belt’ of Japan ?
(A) Northern Honshu
(B) Southern Honshu
(C) Shikoku Islands
(D) Kyushu Islands

46. Which one of the following countries in East Asia adopted ‘Great Leap Forward’ policy for its rapid socio-economic transformation ?
(A) Japan
(B) Korea
(C) Taiwan
(D) China

47. Which one of the following statements is not true about U.S.A. ?
(A) Is the largest market economy in the world
(B) Has a federal system of governance
(C) Is a highly urbanised and metropolized country
(D) Rural areas in Southern America are highly rich

48. Two Russian terms which entered the English language during Mikhail Gorbachev’s restructuring of the Soviet Union in the late 1980s were—
(A) Bolshevik and Menskevik
(B) Perestroika and Zaibatsu
(C) Novgoroad and Glasnost
(D) Perestroika and Glasnost

49. Russia’s main trading partner(s) is/are—
(A) Other CIS countries
(B) China
(C) Western Europe
(D) Japan

50. The Mount Everest falls along the natural boundary between—
(A) India and Nepal
(B) India and China
(C) Nepal and China
(D) Pakistan and China

51. The correct monsoon sequence (Season/Climatic conditions) is—
(A) Summer/Wet; Winter/Dry
(B) Summer/Dry; Winter/Wet
(C) Summer/Cold; Winter/Warm
(D) Summer/Mild; Winter/Wet

52. Which one of the following Indian States has the longest coastline ?
(A) Maharashtra
(B) Tamil Nadu
(C) Karnataka
(D) Andhra Pradesh

In India, the problem of soil erosion is associated with—
1. Excessive rainfall
2. Deforestation
3. Excessive Cultivation
4. Overgrazing
Codes :
(A) 1 and 2 are correct
(B) 1, 2 and 3 are correct
(C) 2, 3 and 4 are correct
(D) 2 and 4 are correct

54. Which one of the following types of forest grows in the shaded portion of the given rough outline map of India ?

(A) Mixed deciduous
(B) Tropical Savannah
(C) Semi-arid Scrub lands
(D) Mangrove forests

55. Consider the following statement and select correct answer from the codes given below—
Assertion (A) : Offshore fishing in Malabar coast is more developed than that in the Coromandel coast.
Reason (R) : Malabar coast has better facilities to export sea fish to African countries.
Codes :
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

56. The group of States having the forest cover of more than 75 per cent to the total geographical area is—
(A) Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland
(B) Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland
(C) Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Nagaland
(D) Arunachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Nagaland

57. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists—
List-I (Cattle Breed)
(a) Gir
(b) Alambadi
(c) Dangi
(d) Deoni
List-II (State)
Tamil Nadu
2. Maharashtra
3. Gujarat
4. Andhra Pradesh
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 1 2 3 4
(B) 2 3 4 1
(C) 3 1 4 2
(D) 3 1 2 4

Which one of the following States has the highest livestock density in the country ?
(A) Rajasthan
(B) Madhya Pradesh
(C) Uttar Pradesh
(D) Maharashtra

59. Consider the following statement and select correct answer from the codes given below—
Assertion (A) : Indian agriculture is no longer the gamble of the monsoons.
Reason (R) : There is recent expansion of dry land farming in India.
Codes :
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

60. Which one of the following is associated with Indian Agriculture ?
(A) I.C.A.R.
(B) I.C.C.R.
(C) I.C.M.R.
(D) I.C.W.A.

61. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists—
List-I (Name of Crop)
(a) Rice
(b) Jowar
(c) Jute
(d) Coffee
List-II (State Growing)
1. Maharashtra
2. Orissa
3. Karnataka
4. West Bengal
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 1 2 3 4
(B) 2 3 4 1
(C) 3 4 1 2
(D) 2 1 4 3

62. Which of the following dams has generation of power more than irrigation as its main aim ?
(A) Gandhi Sagar
(B) Hirakud
(C) Periyar
(D) Tunghabhadra

63. Consider the following—
1. Hematite
2. Magnetite
3. Limonite
4. Siderite
Which of the above are iron ore ?
(A) 1 and 2 only
(B) 1, 2 and 3 only
(C) 1, 2 and 4 only
(D) 1, 2, 3 and 4

64. Which Government agency is responsible for mapping and exploration of minerals in India ?
(A) Survey of India
(B) Geological Survey of India
(C) Minerals Development Corporation
(D) Indian School of Mines

65. Which one of the following is not a source of geothermal energy ?
(A) Hot Geyser
(B) Hot Spring
(C) Coal
(D) Volcano

66. Malvika Steel Plant, the first fully integrated steel plant in North, India, was set up in—
(A) Bihar
(B) Himachal Pradesh
(C) Uttar Pradesh
(D) Punjab

67. Which of the following places is not associated with fertilizers ?
(A) Panipat
(B) Alwaye
(C) Namrup
(D) Ranchi

68. The New Industrial Policy was introduced in India in the year—
(A) 1987
(B) 1991
(C) 1993
(D) 1998

69. During which Census decade, sex-ratio in India registered the sharpest decline ?
(A) 1911-12
(B) 1921-31
(C) 1951-61
(D) 1961-71

70. Which one of the following shows the correct sequence in descending order of population of the four metropolis as per 2001 Census ?
(A) Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi, Chennai
(B) Kolkata, Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai
(C) Kolkata, Mumbai, Chennai, Delhi
(D) Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai

71. What is the most favoured location of settlements in the mountainous regions ?
(A) Valley bottoms
(B) Ridge tops
(C) Valley side slopes
(D) Hill top

72. Largest buyers of goods exported from India is—
(A) Asia and Oceania region
(B) North America
(C) Latin America
(D) Western European region

73. The following countries are the major trading partners of India. Using codes given below their names, put these countries in sequential order of their share in total trade of India
1. U.S.A.
2. China
3. Hong Kong
4. United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Codes :
(A) 1, 4, 3 and 2
(B) 2, 1, 4 and 3
(C) 4, 3, 1 and 2
(D) 1, 2, 3 and 4

74. Which one of the following public sector agencies in India is not associated with promotion of international trade ?
(A) State Trading Corporation (STC)
(B) Minerals and Metals Trading Corporation (MMTC)
(C) Projects and Equipment Corporation of India (PEC)
(D) Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Limited (IDPL)

75. Consider the following statement and select correct answer from the codes given below—
Assertion (A) : The Rajasthan desert is covered with shifting sand dunes.
Reason (R) : For want of rain and surface flowing of water, the work of wind is felt everywhere.
Codes :
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

76. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists—
List-I (Summit)
(a) Dodabetta
(b) Nanda Devi
(c) Amarkantak
(d) Guru Sikhar
List-II (Mountain Range)
1. Nilgiri Hills
2. Himalaya Mountains
3. Aravali Range
4. Maikal Range
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 2 1 3 4
(B) 3 2 1 4
(C) 1 2 4 3
(D) 4 1 2 3

77. The climate around Bikaner can be described as—
(A) Mediterranean type
(B) Semi-arid steppe
(C) Hot desert
(D) Tropical monsoon

78. Which one of the following statements is not correct about the soils found in Western Rajasthan ?
(A) Contain sand interrupted by low rocky projections
(B) Contain a lot of soluble salts in the top layer
(C) Are the least leached soils and lack in humus also
(D) Are poor in phosphate but rich in nitrogen

79. Which one of the following statements is not correct about the vegetation found in Rajasthan ?
(A) Height of trees and density of plant cover is low
(B) Xerophytic plants are common
(C) The nature of vegetation does not change with variations of habitat
(D) Available forests are a good source of fuel wood and minor forest products

80. Which one of the following statements is not true about Western Arid region of Rajasthan ?
(A) This is the largest area size region in the State
(B) Bajra is the most prominent crop of the region
(C) Rural settlements are highly disperse and small in size
(D) Rainfall goes on increasing as one moves from east to west direction in the region

81. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists—
List-I (Livestock Breed)
(a) Rathi
(b) Kankrej
(c) Mallani
(d) Gir
List-II (District)
1. Nagaur
2. Jaisalmer
3. Sirohi
4. Ajmer
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 1 2 3 4
(B) 2 3 4 1
(C) 3 4 1 2
(D) 2 3 1 4

82. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below—
List-I (Mining Area)
(a) Lunkaransaur
(b) Zawar Mines
(c) Deogarh
(d) Champa-gudha
List-II (Mineral Wealth)
1. Berryllium
2. Gypsum
3. Lead and Zinc
4. Mica
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 1 2 3 4
(B) 2 3 4 1
(C) 3 4 2 1
(D) 4 2 1 3

83. Which one of the following statements is not correct ?
(A) According to 2001 Census, the largest and the smallest population size districts in Rajasthan State are Jaipur and Jaisalmer, respectively
(B) At 2001 Census, the largest and the smallest area size districts in Rajasthan State were Jaisalmer and Dholpur, respectively
(C) Five new districts were created in Rajasthan between 1991 and 2001 Census decades
(D) According to 2001 Census, the highest and the lowest literacy districts in Rajasthan State were Jaipur and Dungarpur, respectively

84. Which one of the following shows the correct sequence in descending order of decadal growth of population in the four districts of Rajasthan State during 1991-2001 ?
(A) Jaipur, Jaisalmer, Bikaner, Barmer
(B) Jaisalmer, Barmer, Jaipur, Bikaner
(C) Jaisalmer, Bikaner, Barmer, Jaipur
(D) Bikaner, Barmer, Jaipur, Jaisalmer

85. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below—
List-I (Lake)
(a) Nakki Talab
(b) Sambhar
(c) Pichola
(d) Gadsisar
List-II (District)
1. Jaisalmer
2. Udaipur
3. Sirohi
4. Jaipur
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 1 2 3 4
(B) 2 3 4 1
(C) 3 4 1 2
(D) 3 4 2 1

86. Consider the following statement and select correct answer from the codes given below—
Assertion (A) : Rajasthan is mainly a region of interior drainage.
Reason (R) : It is mainly a structural basin surrounded by hill ranges.
Codes :
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

87. Which one of the following statements is not correct about River Luni ?
(A) The Luni is a river of Western Rajasthan
(B) It originates in the Pushkar valley of the Aravalli Range in Ajmer District
(C) It is also known as Lavanavari river
(D) The Luni and its tributaries drain the eastern slopes of the Aravali range

88. The Rajasthan Canal (Indira Gandhi Canal) draws its water from the river—
(A) Sutlej
(B) Yamuna
(C) Chambal
(D) Sutlej and Beas

89. Chambal is the joint project of—
(A) Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh
(B) Madhya Pradesh and Bihar
(C) Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan
(D) Uttar Pradesh and Bihar

90. Which one of the following problems is not encountered in Indira Gandhi Canal command area ?
(A) Increase in soil salinity
(B) Progressive waterlogging
(C) Aeolian silting of canal
(D) Decline in water supply

91. What are Didwana and Pachpadra famous for ?
(A) Copper
(B) Lead and Zinc
(C) Salt
(D) Gypsum

92. In List-I industrial sectors has been listed, while in List-II are listed the location of industrial complexes. Match the two lists using the correct code, given ahead—
List-I (Industrial Sector)
(a) Gems and Jewellery
(b) Hosiery
(c) Ceramics
(d) Textiles
List-II (Location of Industrial Complex)
1. Pali
2. Khara (Bikaner)
3. Bhiwadi
4. Jaipur
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 1 2 3 4
(B) 2 3 4 1
(C) 3 4 1 2
(D) 4 3 2 1

93. Which one of the following shows the correct sequence in descending order of irrigated area in percentage under the four crops grown in Rajasthan State ?
(A) Wheat, Gram, Oilseeds, Cotton
(B) Wheat, Cotton, Gram, Oilseeds
(C) Oilseeds, Wheat, Gram, Cotton
(D) Cotton, Oilseeds, Wheat, Gram

94. Rajasthan, which is one of the five top ranking States in wind power potentials, has a number of very good wind power sites in the State. Match the wind power sites with districts of their location, using the correct code.
List-I (Wind power site)
(a) Devgarh
(b) Harhnath
(c) Khodal
(d) Mohangarh
List-II (District of Location)
1. Sikar
2. Barmer
3. Jaisalmer
4. Chittorgarh
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 1 2 3 4
(B) 2 3 4 1
(C) 3 4 1 2
(D) 4 1 2 3

95. National Highway No. 15 linking Punjab with Gujarat State passes through the territory of a number of districts in Rajasthan State. The number of such districts in the State is—
(A) Five
(B) Six
(C) Four
(D) Seven

96. Thar link express train running between Jodhpur and Munabao railway stations covers nearly a distance of—
(A) 150 km
(B) more than 200 km
(C) less than 300 km
(D) more than 300 km

97. Consider the following statement and select correct answer from the codes given below—
Assertion (A) : The area falling east of the Aravalli in Rajasthan State has higher road density than that of those falling west of the Aravalli.
Reason (R) : Relief plays an important effect in regional distribution of roads in the State of Rajasthan.
Codes :
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true

98. Which one of the following statements is not correct about the regional distribution of rural settlements in Rajasthan State ?
(A) Rural settlements in the Rajasthan plain are small, compact and sparsely distributed due to limited water supply and
cultivable land
(B) In excessive arid areas having sand dunes, hamleted settlements are noticed near the water-bodies
(C) In eastern parts of Rajasthan large compact villages are a common sight
(D) Indira Gandhi Canal has, however, failed to encourage compact settlements similar to Punjab in northwestern parts of Rajasthan

99. The total number of urban settlements in Rajasthan State, according to 2001 Census has been—
(A) more than 300
(B) between 150 and 200
(C) more than 250
(D) between 200 and 250

100. Which one of the following is not the objective of forestry in Rajasthan State during the XI Five Year Plan ?
(A) To achieve 33•0 per cent tree cover in the State by 2016
(B) To check desertification and restore the ecological status of the Aravallis
(C) To conserve gene-pool and improve bio-diversity of flora and fauna
(D) To elicit people’s participation for institutionalization of Joint Forest Management (JFM)

Answers :
(A) 2. (B) 3. (A) 4. (D) 5. (A) 6. (B) 7. (C) 8. (C) 9. (C) 10. (B)
11. (B) 12. (C) 13. (D) 14. (C) 15. (C) 16. (B) 17. (A) 18. (A) 19. (A) 20. (C)
21. (A) 22. (C) 23. (C) 24. (C) 25. (A) 26. (A) 27. (C) 28. (A) 29. (A) 30. (A)
31. (C) 32. (D) 33. (A) 34. (A) 35. (D) 36. (B) 37. (B) 38. (C) 39. (B) 40. (C)
41. (B) 42. (D) 43. (A) 44. (C) 45. (D) 46. (D) 47. (D) 48. (D) 49. (C) 50. (C)
51. (A) 52. (D) 53. (D) 54. (D) 55. (A) 56. (C) 57. (D) 58. (C) 59. (C) 60. (A)
61. (D) 62. (A) 63. (D) 64. (B) 65. (C) 66. (C) 67. (D) 68. (B) 69. (D) 70. (A)
71. (B) 72. (A) 73. (B) 74. (D) 75. (B) 76. (C) 77. (C) 78. (D) 79. (D) 80. (D)
81. (D) 82. (B) 83. (D) 84. (C) 85. (D) 86. (C) 87. (D) 88. (D) 89. (C) 90. (D)
91. (C) 92. (D) 93. (B) 94. (D) 95. (A) 96. (A) 97. (C) 98. (A) 99. (D) 100. (C)

1. ‘Kayals’ are found in—
(A) Andhra Pradesh
(B) Kerala
(C) Rajasthan
(D) Tamil Nadu
Ans : (B)

2. Which one of the following rivers originates from Amarkantak ?
(A) Mahanadi
(B) Narmada
(C) Son
(D) Godavari
Ans : (B)

3. Which one of the following ports is the leading exporter of iron ore ?
(A) Marmagaon
(B) Paradwip
(C) Vishakhapatnam
(D) Kochi
Ans : (C)

4. Which one of the following types of forests occupies the highest percentage in India ?
(A) Tropical deciduous
(B) Savanna and desert vegetation
(C) Equatorial evergreen
(D) Conifers and pines
Ans : (A)

5. Which one of the following is the highest peak of India ?
(A) Nanda Devi
(B) Kanchanjunga
(C) Makalu
(D) Everest
Ans : (A)

Noonmati Oil Refinery of India is located in—
(A) Bihar
(B) Maharashtra
(C) Assam
(D) Kerala
Ans : (C)

7. Isohyets are—
(A) Lines on a map showing equal rainfall
(B) Lines on a map having same mean temperature
(C) Lines on a map having same barometric pressure
(D) Lines on a map showing equal height from mean sea level
Ans : (A)

8. Which one of the following is not a suitable method for showing urban population ?
(A) Circle
(B) Shade
(C) Sphere
(D) Divided circle
Ans : (D)

9. Arrange the following States in respect of coal reserves and select the correct answer from the code given below—
1. Jharkhand
2. Madhya Pradesh
3. Orissa
4. West Bengal
Codes :
(A) 1 4 2 3
(B) 1 3 4 2
(C) 4 3 2 1
(D) 4 3 1 2
Ans : (B)

10. Consider the following statement and select the correct answer from the codes given below—
Assertion (A) : The Bhanger land belongs to the Pleistocene period.
Reason (R) : The Karewas of Kashmir are the Pleistocene deposits.
Codes :
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true
Ans : (B)

11. Consider the following statement and select the correct answer from the codes given below—
Assertion (A) : The concept of differential heating about the origin of Indian Monsoon was given by Helley.
Reason (R) : The concept of differential heating explains the origin of Indian monsoon.
Codes :
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true
Ans : (A)

12. Namdhapa Tiger Reserve is in the State of—
(A) Arunachal Pradesh
(B) Kerala
(C) Tamil Nadu
(D) Bihar
Ans : (A)

13. Pensi La connects—
(A) Srinagar with Leh
(B) Sikkim with Tibet
(C) Himachal Pradesh with Kargil
(D) Himachal Pradesh with Tibet
Ans : (A)

14. Agricultural Location Theory was developed by—
(A) Von Thunen, J.H.
(B) Stamp, D.
(C) Thompson, W.S.
(D) Weber, A.
Ans : (A)

15. The term ‘Conurbation’ was coined by—
(A) Harvey, D.
(B) Patrick Geddes
(C) Dickinson, R. E.
(D) Ullman
Ans : (B)

16. Which one of the following is correctly matched ?
(A) Mega City — P. Geddes
(B) Primate City — C. O. Sauer
(C) C. B. D. — C. C. Colby
(D) Rank Size Rule — G. K. Zipf
Ans : (D)

17. The Theory of Industrial Location was propounded by—
(A) Alfred Weber
(B) C. C. Colby
(C) Rostov, W. W.
(D) Christaller, W.
: (A)

18. Which one of the following States is the leading producer of bauxite ?
(A) Jharkhand
(B) Orissa
(C) Maharashtra
(D) Gujarat
Ans : (B)

19. Which one of the following States is the leading producer of Gypsum ?
(A) Madhya Pradesh
(B) Rajasthan
(C) Orissa
(D) Tamil Nadu
Ans : (B)

In which of the following States the highest percentage of Wallastonite is mined ?
(A) Rajasthan
(B) Madhya Pradesh
(C) Uttar Pradesh
(D) Bihar
Ans : (A)

21. The first scientific attempt for the demarcation of agricultural regions of the world was made by—
(A) Stamp, D.
(B) Whittlesey, D.
(C) Hartshorne
(D) Johnston, R. J.
Ans : (B)

22. Which one of the following is correctly matched ?
(A) Kaiga — Tamil Nadu
(B) Kalpakkam —Andhra Pradesh
(C) Rawatbhata —Rajasthan
(D) Kundankulam —Kerala
Ans : (C)

23. Singhbhum Iron Ore Fields lie in the State of—
(A) Orissa
(B) Jharkhand
(C) Karnataka
(D) Madhya Pradesh
Ans : (B)

24. Which one of the following areas has the largest petroleum deposits in India ?
(A) Mumbai-High
(B) Godavari Basin
(C) Gujarat Coast
(D) Brahmaputra Valley
Ans : (A)

25. In which of the following States uranium is not found ?
(A) Meghalaya
(B) Himachal Pradesh
(C) Assam
(D) Uttarakhand (Uttaranchal)
Ans : (D)

26. Which of the following districts in Rajasthan fall under Bwhw climatic region ?
(A) Jaisalmer, Bikaner, Ganganagar
(B) Dungarpur, Banswara, Jhalawar
(C) Dholpur, Karauli, Bharatpur
(D) Jaipur, Ajmer, Bhilwara
Ans : (A)

27. Which one of the following is not suitable for the generation of geo-thermal energy in India ?
(A) East coast of Tamil Nadu
(B) Puga Valley of Ladakh
(C) Manikaran Area (Himachal Pradesh)
(D) West coast of Maharashtra
Ans : (A)

28. Ideal conditions for generation of solar energy is found in—
(A) Tamil Nadu
(B) Rajasthan
(C) Uttarakhand
(D) Madhya Pradesh
Ans : (B)

29. Which one of the following lakes is of potable (sweet) water ?
(A) Sambhar Lake
(B) Dhebar Lake
(C) Phalodi
(D) Didwana
Ans : (B)

30. Which one of the following is not correctly matched ?
(A) Alwar —Sabi, Ruparel
(B) Udaipur —Banas, Berach
(C) Karauli —Jagar, Gambhir
(D) Dungarpur —Banganga, Morel
Ans : (D)

31. Lohagarh Fort is located at—
(A) Jaipur
(B) Alwar
(C) Bharatpur
(D) Dholpur
Ans : (C)

32. Which one of the following districts has the highest percentage of literacy (2001) ?
(A) Jaipur
(B) Kota
(C) Udaipur
(D) Sikar
Ans : (B)

33. Jayal Gravel Ridge is found in the district of—
(A) Barmer District
(B) Nagaur District
(C) Jalore District
(D) Churu District
Ans : (B)

34. Bankapatti area is found in the district of—
(A) Jodhpur
(B) Ajmer
(C) Nagaur
(D) Jhunjhunu
Ans : (C)

35. The source of the Chambal river is—
(A) Kumbhalgarh Plateau
(B) Mt. Abu
(C) Alwar Hills
(D) Janapau Hills
Ans : (D)

36. Which one of the following districts has highest percentage of forest area ?
(A) Karauli
(B) Udaipur
(C) Sirohi
(D) Banswara
Ans : (A)

37. Which one of the following countries supported Greening Aravalli Project in Rajasthan ?
(A) Germany
(B) Norway
(C) Japan
(D) England
Ans : (C)

38. Desert Development Programme in Rajasthan was started in—
(A) 1974-75
(B) 1982-83
(C) 1977-78
(D) 1986-87
Ans : (C)

39. ‘Lathi Series’ belongs to—
(A) Triassic Period
(B) Permian Period
(C) Silurian Period
(D) Ordovician Period
Ans : (A)

40. ‘Khoh Dariba’ region is associated with the mining of—
(A) Lead and Zinc
(B) Copper
(C) Manganese
(D) Silver
Ans : (B)

41. Which one of the following rivers drains into Sambhar Lake ?
(A) Kantli
(B) Bandi
(C) Mendha
(D) Mashi
Ans : (C)

42. Rajasthan is the leading producer in the country in—
(A) Gram
(B) Mustard
(C) Cotton
(D) Wheat
Ans : (B)

43. Which one of the following districts are not included in Drought Prone Area Programme ?
(A) Kota—Baran
(B) Dungarpur—Banswara
(C) Tonk—Sawai Madhopur
(D) Alwar—Bharatpur
Ans : (D)

44. Which one of the districts has the largest deposits of Tungesten ?
(A) Ajmer
(B) Nagaur
(C) Sirohi
(D) Jaipur
Ans : (B)

45. Which one of the following districts is the leading producer of Maize ?
(A) Chittorgarh
(B) Bhilwara
(C) Raj Samand
(D) Udaipur
Ans : (D)

46. Which one of the following trees is known as ‘Kalp Taru’ of Rajasthan’ ?
(A) Sagawan
(B) Mango
(C) Neem
(D) Khejari
Ans : (D)

47. Main Sanctuary of ‘Dangland’ is—
(A) Bhainsrorgarh Sanctuary
(B) Kaladevi Wildlife Sanctuary
(C) Sita Mata Sanctuary
(D) Sajjangarh Wildlife Sanctuary
Ans : (B)

48. Menal Waterfall is located in the district of—
(A) Chittorgarh
(B) Bundi
(C) Bhilwara
(D) Rajsamand
Ans : (C)

49. Which one of the following districts accounts for lowest density of population (2001) ?
(A) Jodhpur
(B) Jaisalmer
(C) Barmer
(D) Jalore
Ans : (B)

50. Dabok Airport is associated with—
(A) Jodhpur
(B) Jaipur
(C) Kota
(D) Udaipur
Ans : (D)

51. Which one of the following States has the highest growth rate of population (1991–2001) ?
(A) Uttar Pradesh
(B) Maharashtra
(C) Rajasthan
(D) Madhya Pradesh
Ans : (C)

52. Which one of the following districts has the highest growth rate of urban population (1991–2001) ?
(A) Jodhpur
(B) Bhilwara
(C) Jaipur
(D) Hanumangarh
Ans : (C)

53. Arrange the following in a chronological order and select the correct answer using the code given below—
1. Gunj
2. Mindal
3. Riss
4. Wurm
Codes :
—(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 1 2 3 4
(B) 3 1 2 4
(C) 3 1 4 2
(D) 1 2 4 3
Ans : (A)

54. The dinosaurs first appeared on the earth surface during the—
(A) Permian
(B) Jurassic
(C) Cretaceous
(D) Triassic
Ans : (B)

55. Which one of the following is the most fine grained extrusive rock ?
(A) Granite
(B) Peridotite
(C) Basalt
(D) Conglomerate
Ans : (C)

The ‘Aurora Borealis’ occurs in the—
(A) Exosphere
(B) Ionosphere
(C) Ozonosphere
(D) Stratosphere
Ans : (B)

57. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given below—
List-I (Ridge/Plateau)
(a) Amsterdam—St. Paul Plateau
(b) Challenger Rise
(c) Dolphin Rise
(d) Juan De-Fuca
List-II (Ocean)
1. North Pacific Ocean
2. Indian Ocean
3. South Atlantic Ocean
4. North Atlantic Ocean
Codes :
—(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 2 4 3 1
(B) 2 3 4 1
(C) 3 2 1 4
(D) 3 2 4 1
Ans : (B)

58. Which one of the following has the largest number of satellites ?
(A) Uranus
(B) Neptune
(C) Jupiter
(D) Saturn
Ans : (C)

59. “The Present is the Key to the Past.” This statement was made by—
(A) Dutton
(B) Strahler
(C) Hutton
(D) Dana
Ans : (C)

60. Consider the following statement and select correct answer from the codes given below—
Assertion (A) : The islands along the mid Atlantic Ridge are highly prone to volcanic activity.
Reason (R) : The sea floor spreading is the main cause of earthquakes in the Atlantic Ocean.
Codes :
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true
Ans : (B)

61. The salinity of the oceans is maximum in the—
(A) Equatorial region
(B) Sub-Tropical region
(C) Sub-Polar region
(D) Tropical region
Ans : (B)

62. Arrange the following lakes in descending order according to area and select the correct answer using the code given below—
1. Huron
2. Michigan
3. Superior
4. Victoria
Codes :
—(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 3 4 1 2
(B) 3 4 2 1
(C) 4 3 2 1
(D) 4 3 1 2
Ans : (A)

63. Which one of the following soils has the largest percentage of the land area of the world ?
(A) Alfisols
(B) Entisols
(C) Inceptisols
(D) Aridisols
Ans : (D)

64. The concept of Peneplain was propounded by—
(A) Penck
(B) L. C. King
(C) Davis
(D) Lawson
Ans : (C)

65. Match the List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given below—
List-I (Country)
(a) Austria
(b) Albania
(c) Hungary
(d) Slovenia
List-II (Capital)
1. Budapest
2. Ljubljana
3. Vienna
4. Tirana
Codes :
—(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 3 4 1 2
(B) 3 4 2 1
(C) 4 3 1 2
(D) 4 2 3 1
Ans : (A)

66. Which one of the following statements is not correct ?
(A) Tokyo is the largest urban centre
(B) Kyushu is bigger than Shikoku
(C) Japan consists of 4000 islands
(D) The Ainu of Hokkaido belongs to yellow race
Ans : (C)

67. Which one of the following statements is not correct ?
(A) Cook Strait lies between North and South Islands of New Zealand
(B) Bass Strait lies between Australia and New Zealand
(C) Foveaux Strait lies between Stewart Island and North Island of New Zealand
(D) Torres Strait lies between New Guinea and Australia
Ans : (B)

68. The Tropic of Capricorn passes through which one of the following countries ?
(A) Botswana
(B) Swaziland
(C) Zambia
(D) Zimbabwe
Ans : (A)

69. Which one of the following is not correct ?
(A) Rio de Janeiro is known as the magnificent city
(B) Rio de Janeiro has been the capital of Brazil
(C) Sao Paulo is a Mega City
(D) Sao Paulo is a Sea-Port
Ans : (D)

70. Brazilian Plateau is rich in—
(A) Petroleum
(B) Copper
(C) Nickel
(D) Iron ore
Ans : (D)

71. Which one of the following is the largest city of Africa ?
(A) Durban
(B) Lagos
(C) Nairobi
(D) Cairo
Ans : (D)

The marshy lands of rivers are known as ‘Sudd’ in which of the following countries ?
(A) Sudan
(B) Ethiopia
(C) Nigeria
(D) Egypt
Ans : (A)

73. Which one of the following is not a ‘land-locked’ country ?
(A) Mali
(B) Niger
(C) Chad
(D) Sudan
Ans : (D)

74. The island of Socotra belongs to—
(A) Yemen
(B) United Arab Emirates (UAE)
(C) Oman
(D) Saudi Arabia
Ans : (A)

75. Mt. Kota Kinabalu is the highest peak in—
(A) Myanmar
(B) Indonesia
(C) Thailand
(D) Malaysia
Ans : (D)

76. Which one of the following countries has the highest density of population ?
(A) Japan
(B) India
(C) China
(D) Indonesia
Ans : (A)

Which one of the following is the most busy navigable river ?
(A) Volga
(B) Sein
(C) Rhine
(D) Danube
Ans : (C)

78. Hoover Dam is located on—
(A) Colorado River
(B) Nile River
(C) Rhine River
(D) Niger River
Ans : (A)

79. World’s deepest Ocean Trench is—
(A) Kermadec Trench
(B) Marianas Trench
(C) Indonesian Trench
(D) Kuril Trench
Ans : (B)

80. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given below—
List-I (Climatic type)
(a) Tropical Rain forest
(b) Tropical Savanna climate
(c) Mediterranean climate
(d) Humid Sub-tropical climate
List-II (Region)
1. Just at the fringe of Sahara
2. Western Africa near Equator
3. North-West USA
4. South Africa
Codes :
—(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 1 2 4 3
(B) 2 1 4 3
(C) 2 1 3 4
(D) 1 2 3 4
Ans : (B)

81. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given below—
List-I (Ocean Current)
(a) Agulhas Current
(b) El Nino Current
(c) Kuroshio Current
(d) Benguela Current
List-II (Name of Ocean)
1. North Pacific Ocean
2. South Atlantic Ocean
3. South Pacific Ocean
4. Indian Ocean
Codes :
—(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 4 3 1 2
(B) 4 3 2 1
(C) 3 4 1 2
(D) 3 4 2 1
Ans : (A)

82. The International Airport of Washington D.C. is known as—
(A) George Bush International Airport
(B) Dulles International Airport
(C) Heathrow International Airport
(D) Gatwick International Airport
Ans : (B)

83. The concept of Continental Drift was propounded by—
(A) Holms
(B) Wegener
(C) Kober
(D) Daly
Ans : (B)

84. The Tetrahedral Theory was propounded by—
(A) Wegener
(B) Joly
(C) Lowthian Green
(D) Jaffreys
Ans : (C)

85. The author of Anthropogeography was—
(A) Ratzel F.
(B) Semple
(C) Ritter C.
(D) Huntington
Ans : (A)

86. The main contribution of Al-Idris was in the field of—
(A) Astronomy
(B) Cartography
(C) Historical Geography
(D) Physical Geography
Ans : (B)

87. The prime meridian of the classical Indian geographers used to be drawn through the city of—
(A) Patliputra
(B) Ujjain
(C) Indra Prastha
(D) Kannauj
Ans : (B)

88. Which one of the following has the highest rank in Human Development ?
(A) Vietnam
(B) Malaysia
(C) Philippines
(D) Indonesia
Ans : (B)

89. The shelter of Badwins tribe is known as—
(A) Khaima
(B) Igloo
(C) Kraal
(D) Reed-Hut
Ans : (D)

90. “Man is a product of earth surface.” This statement was made by—
(A) Semple
(B) Kant
(C) Humboldt
(D) Ritter
Ans : (A)

91. Which one of the following is the longest river in the world ?
(A) Nile
(B) Amazon
(C) Niger
(D) Congo
Ans : (A)

92. Which one of the following is a Mega City in the world ?
(A) Tokyo
(B) Hyderabad
(C) Nairobi
(D) Frankfurt
Ans : (A)

93. The R.F. of 45 N/13 will be—
(A) 1 : 25,000
(B) 1 : 10,000
(C) 1 : 50,000
(D) 1 : 100,000
Ans : (C)

94. The line joining the points of equal height above sea level is known as—
(A) Isobar
(B) Isotherm
(C) Isohyet
(D) Contour
Ans : (D)

95. Which one of the following statements is not correct ?
(A) For Baltic region and France the conical projection with two standard parallel is most appropriate
(B) Trans-Siberian railways can best be shown on conical projection with one standard parallel
(C) International map projection is a modified Bonne’s projection
(D) Bonne’s projection is a modified conical projection
Ans : (C)

96. The concept of base level was given by—
(A) Powell
(B) Davis
(C) King
(D) Penck
Ans : (A)

97. The principle of Interaction was introduced by—
(A) Martone
(B) Richthofen
(C) Brunhes
(D) Vidal de La Blache
Ans : (C)

98. Consider the following statement and select the correct answer from the codes given below—
Assertion (A) : The Mollweid Projection was propounded by a British Cartographer.
Reason (R) : Mollweid Projection is an equal area projection.
Codes :
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true
Ans : (D)

99. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given below—
List-I (Projection)
(a) Bonne’s Projection
(b) Gall’s Projection
(c) Cylindrical Projection
(d) Mercator’s Projection
List-II (Property)
1. Length of equator is 2πR
2. Pole is a straight line
3. All parallels are standard parallels
4. The scale along the parallels and meridians is the same at a point
Codes :
—(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 3 2 4 1
(B) 3 1 2 4
(C) 1 3 4 2
(D) 1 3 2 4
Ans : (A)

100. Consider the following statement and select the correct answer from the codes given below—
Assertion (A) : Hydergraph is based on rainfall and temperature data was developed by
Griffith Taylor.
Reason (R) : Hydergraph was developed by Griffith Taylor.
Codes :
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true
Ans : (A)

1. Which of the following rocks is different from the remaining three on the basis of its mode of origin?
(A) Limestone
(B) Sandstone
(C) Shale
(D) Marble
Ans : (D)

2. Which of the following land forms is not associated with river erosion?
(A) Waterfall
(B) V-shaped valley
(C) Moraines
(D) Ox-bow lake
: (C)

3. Which of the following latitudes is the longest?
(A) 23°N
(B) 66°N
(C) 0°
(D) 80°N
Ans : (C)

4. Two places on the same meridian must have the same—
(A) Length of summer
(B) Length of winter
(C) Latitude
(D) Solar time
Ans : (D)

5. When it is 6.00 AM on 0° meridian, at the same time what time would be there in India?
(A) 6.30 AM
(B) 9.30 AM
(C) 11.30 AM
(D) 5.30 AM
Ans : (C)

6. Which of the following processes helps in the formation of rift valley?
(A) Seismism
(B) Faulting
(C) Folding
(D) Volcanism
Ans : (B)

7. Which of the following names is given to the planetary winds blowing between the tropics?
(A) Monsoon
(B) Polar winds
(C) Westerlies
(D) Trade winds
Ans : (D)

8. Which of the following cities is not located on Varanasi-Chennai rail-route?
(A) Hyderabad
(B) Nagpur
(C) Jabalpur
(D) Allahabad
Ans : (D)

9. Where is Dead Sea situated in the following continents?
(A) Europe
(B) Australia
(C) Asia
(D) Africa
Ans : (C)

10. Which of the following industries is most developed in the Great Lakes region of North America?
(A) Cement and Paper
(B) Steel and Engineering
(C) Film industry
(D) Textile and Chemicals
Ans : (B)

11. Which of the following group of countries is most famous for exporting wool and meat?
(A) Australia, Sri Lanka, Indonesia
(B) Argentina, France, Chile
(C) Australia, Argentina, New Zealand
(D) New Zealand, Argentina, Italy
Ans : (C)

12. Which of the following soils is most suitable for the cultivation of cotton in India?
(A) Red soil
(B) Laterite soil
(C) Alluvial soil
(D) Regur soil
Ans : (D)

13. Which of the following state groups is the largest producer of iron-ore in India?
(A) Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar
(B) Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Punjab
(C) Maharashtra, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh
(D) Bihar, W. Bengal, Orissa
Ans : (A)

Which of the following landforms is different from other three on the basis of the mode of origin?
(A) Fold
(B) Anticline
(C) Nappes
(D) Rift Valley
Ans : (D)

15. Which of the following landform is not associated with glaciation?
(A) Hanging valley
(B) Moraines
(C) Inselberg
(D) Drumlin
Ans : (C)

16. Which of the following order is given to the planets of solar system on the basis of their size?
(A) Saturn, Jupitar, Mercury, Neptune
(B) Jupitar, Saturn, Neptune, Mercury
(C) Jupitar, Mercury, Neptune, Saturn
(D) Neptune, Mercury, Saturn, Jupitar
Ans : (B)

17. As we go higher into the atmosphere, the air becomes—
(A) Thinner
(B) Denser
(C) Warmer
(D) Visible
Ans : (A)

18. From which of the following longitude the Indian standard time is determined?
(A) 82° 30' East
(B) 80° West
(C) 90° East
(D) 81° 30' East
Ans : (A)

19. Which of the following oceans are connected by Panama Canal?
(A) Pacific and Atlantic
(B) Atlantic and Indian Ocean
(C) Indian Ocean and Pacific
(D) Atlantic and North Ocean
Ans : (A)

20. For which crop production is 'Saopalo' famous?
(A) Cotton
(B) Maize
(C) Coffee
(D) Tea
Ans : (C)

21. Which of the following State group is largest producer of mineral oil in India?
(A) Gujarat, U. P., Maharashtra
(B) Maharashtra, W. Bengal, Assam
(C) Assam, U. P., Bihar
(D) Assam, Gujarat, Maharashtra
Ans : (D)

Which of the following water-ways does not pass through the Panama Canal?
(A) London-Honolulu.
(B) New York-San francisco
(C) New York-Buenos Aires
(D) New York-Sydney
Ans : (C)

23. Which of the following latitudes is a great circle?
(A) Equator
(B) 66°N
(C) 20°S
(D) 23°S
Ans : (A)

24. Which of the following city is not located on Delhi-Kolkata rail route?
(A) Kanpur
(B) Allahabad
(C) Gaya
(D) Varanasi
Ans : (D)

25. Which of the following industries is famous in the Ruhr industrial region of Europe?
(A) Textile and Chemicals
(B) Steel and Engineering
(C) Cement and Paper
(D) Ship building
Ans : (B)

26. If the direction of the earth's rotation on its axis is east-west, what would be the direction of Trade wind blowing in Southern hemisphere?
(A) South-West
(B) South-East
(C) North-East
(D) North-West
Ans : (B)

27. The coldest hour of the day is approximately—
(A) 5 a.m.
(B) 9 p.m.
(C) 3 a.m.
(D) 10 a.m.
Ans : (C)

28. Which of the followings is fibre mineral?
(A) Zinc
(B) Asbestos
(C) Coal
(D) Asphalt
Ans : (B)

29. What are asteroids?
(A) Minor planets revolving round the Sun between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter
(B) Luminous celestial bodies moving round the Sun
(C) A group of fixed stars arranged naturally
(D) Small pieces of solid matter which appear in the earth's atmosphere as shooting stars from out spaces and become visible through incandescence caused by the resistance of the air to their passage,
Ans : (A)

30. What is Isthmus?
(A) The mouth of a river where it joins the sea
(B) A narrow strip of sea dividing two oceans
(C) A narrow strip of land joining two seas or oceans
(D) A piece of projected land
Ans : (C)

31. Which of the following phenomena causes the shape of the Earth ?
(A) Internal structure
(B) Atmospheric pressure
(C) Rotation
(D) Revolution
Ans : (C)

32. Which of the following is the location of a point on the globe that is antipodal to 65° North Latitude and 30° East Longitude?
(A) 65° North Lat., 30° West Long
(B) 30° South Lat., 65° East Long
(C) 65° South Lat., 150° West Long
(D) 30° North Lat., 65° West Long
Ans : (C)

33. The surface of the earth is still irregular inspite of millions of years of gradation, because—
(A) Gradation is a slow process
(B) Gradation does not reduce irregularities
(C) Deposition of material re-elevates the land
(D) Parts of the crust have been uplifted
Ans : (D)

34. What would result if the sedimentary deposit of the Ganga Plain is compressed between the Himalayas and the Deccan Plateau and then uplifted?
(A) Block mountain
(B) Fold mountain
(C) Rift valley
(D) Volcanic plateau
Ans : (B)

35. What would happen to ocean water if the moon comes nearer to the earth ?
(A) Fall of temperature
(B) Stopping of ocean currents
(C) Rise of sea level
(D) Increase in height of oceanic tides
Ans : (D)

36. The line joining places of equal atmospheric pressure is termed—
(A) Contour
(B) Isohyet
(C) Isotherm
(D) Isobar
Ans : (D)

37. What would happen to types of rainfall if the earth's surface becomes all plain?
(A) No cyclonic rainfall
(B) No orographic rainfall
(C) No convectional rainfall
(D) No frontal rainfall
Ans : (B)

38. The maximum risk to air travel is from—
(A) Clouds
(B) Rainfall
(C) Fogs
(D) Strong winds
Ans : (C)

39. Which one of the following countries is the largest producer of rice in the world?
(A) China
(B) Japan
(C) Philippines
(D) Bangladesh
Ans : (A)

40. Which of the following countries possesses a strong natural resource base for iron and steel industry ?
(A) Russia
(B) Pakistan
(C) Japan
(D) Bangladesh
Ans : (A)

41. The present day search for fuels alternative to petroleum, is due mainly to—
(A) Iran-Iraq war
(B) Strained relations between Israel and Middle East countries
(C) Highly increased cost of petroleum
(D) Increase in the consumption of petroleum
Ans : (D)

42. What is the population density of a District which has 50 Lakh people and 25 thousand square kilometres area?
(A) 50 persons per sq. km.
(B) 100 persons per sq. km.
(C) 150 persons per sq. km.
(D) 200 persons per sq. km.
Ans : (D)

43. The Savana type of climate is characterized by—
(A) Humid summers and humid winters
(B) Humid summers and dry winters
(C) Humid winters and dry summers
(D) Humid throughout the year
Ans : (B)

44. Given below are the climate data of a particular station. In which of the following natural regions is the station located
(Degrees Centigrade)——(Centimetres)
(A) Warm temperate East coast type
(B) Warm temperate West coast type
(C) Warm temperate Continent type
(D) Hot deserts
Ans : (B)

45. Which of the following groups of countries is arranged in descending order of area?
(A) Russia, Canada, China, U.S.A.
(B) Russia, U.S.A. Canada, China
(C) Russia, Canada, U.S.A., China
(D) Russia, China, U.S.A., Canada
Ans : (A)

Which of the following Industrial Regions of USA is located mainly on the basis of hydroelectric power?
(A) The New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore region
(B) The Southern New England Region
(C) The Southern Lake Michigan Region
(D) The Detroit Region
Ans : (B)

47. What should India increase in order to become one of the most prosperous countries of the world?
(A) Food production
(B) Industrial production
(C) Population
(D) Trade
Ans : (B)

48. Water power potential of India is great, but it has not been developed to its full extent. The major deterrant being that—
(A) Coal is available in plenty therefore it is not necessary to develop water power
(B) Raw materials required for the production of electric transformers are not available in India
(C) Rainfall is seasonal and as such requires costly storage resevoirs
(D) Lack of technical skill hinders the development of water power
Ans : (C)

49. Which of the following regions has almost prevalent types of natural vegetation in India?
(A) The Himalaya mountain
(B) The Deccan Plateau
(C) The Ganga plain
(D) The Coastal plains
Ans : (C)

50. For which of the following manufacturing industries does India have the most natural resources?
(A) Glass Synthetic rubber
(B) Synthetic rubber
(C) Iron and Steel
(D) Aluminium
Ans : (C)

51. One of the characteristics of India's population is lesser number of women compared to men. Which one of the following explains this phenomenon?
(A) Excess males at birth
(B) Lower social status of women
(C) Neglect of females in childhood
(D) High maternity mortality
Ans : (C)

52. The basic unit of settlement recurring throughout India is the village. Which of the following criteria is largely responsible for the selection of village sites?
(A) Behavioural patterns of the community
(B) Availability of flat land
(C) Essential resources like water and fuel
(D) Fuel resources and building materials
Ans : (C)

53. Which one of the following factors accounts largely for the dispersal of cotton textile industry from its original location around Bombay?
(A) The development of transportation, especially railways
(B) Extreme congestion in Mumbai and lack of space
(C) The development of hydro-electric power
(D) Improved technology
Ans : (B)

54. The main cause for Uttar Pradesh becoming the most important agricultural state of India is—
(A) Good cultivators
(B) Good climate
(C) Large market
(D) Extensive fertile plain
Ans : (D)

55. What locational advantage does India possess for International trade?
(A) Central location in the Eastern hemisphere
(B) Location in the middle of the developing countries
(C) Location at the sourthern end of Asia
(D) Location on the east-west oceanic route through the Suez Canal
Ans : (D)

56. The longest dam is—
(A) Aswan
(B) Hirakud
(C) Gorky
(D) Mangla
Ans : (B)

57. Which state in India is the largest producer of Saffron?
(A) Jammu and Kashmir
(B) Sikkim
(C) Himachal Pradesh
(D) Gujarat
Ans : (A)

58. Which is the largest man-made lake in India?
(A) Chilka
(B) Dal
(C) Sambhar
(D) Bhakra
Ans : (D)

59. Where is the Gol Dumoaz located?
(A) Andhra Pradesh
(B) Maharashtra
(C) Kamataka
(D) Gujarat
Ans : (C)

60. Gulmarg is a hill station in—
(A) Himachal Pradesh
(B) Jammu and Kashmir
(C) Maharashtra
(D) Tamil Nadu
Ans : (B)

61. The largest producer of cashewnut in India is—
(A) Kerala
(B) Gujarat
(C) Orissa
(D) Tamil Nadu
Ans : (A)

62. Lal Bahadur National Academy of Administration is situated in—
(A) Pune
(B) Kolkata
(C) Dehradun
(D) Mussoorie
Ans : (D)

63. In what state is 'Rana Pratap Sagar' atomic power plant located?
(A) Haryana
(B) Gujarat
(C) Rajasthan
(D) Karnataka
Ans : (C)

64. Where is oil and Natural Gas Commission located?
(A) Haldia
(B) Dehradun
(C) Ankleshwar
(D) Cambay
Ans : (B)

65. Which of the following is situated at Agra ?
(A) Paratroopers Training College
(B) National Police Academy
(C) Central Tractor Organisation
(D) Air Force Flying College
Ans : (A)

66. The prevailing winds blowing from 30° S and 30° N towards the equator are termed as—
(A) Monsoon winds
(B) Antitrade winds
(C) Trade winds
(D) Polar winds
Ans : (C)

67. Irrigation is necessary for areas receiving rainfall—
(A) Less than 200 cm.
(B) Less than 75 cm.
(C) Less than 125 cm.
(D) At uncertain times
Ans : (B)

68. The reason for the necessity of irrigation in India is that—
(A) There is no rainfall at the time of need
(B) Indian crops require much water
(C) Indian farmers are in habit of watering the fields
(D) India is a hot country so water is easily evaporated
Ans : (A)

69. Which one of the following sources of irrigation in India is not suitable?
(A) Canals
(B) Karez
(C) Wells
(D) Tanks
Ans : (B)

70. In which of the following states of India, tank irrigation is most suitable?
(A) Tamil Nadu
(B) Punjab
(C) Uttar Pradesh
(D) Bihar
Ans : (A)

The canals of Kerala state are—
(A) Canals of Nagarjunasagar irrigation works
(B) Canals of Rampadsagar irrigation works
(C) Canals of Mangalam irrigation scheme
(D) Canals of the Mettur irrigation scheme
Ans : (C)

72. In which of the following state is Tungabhadra project of irrigation?
(A) Bihar
(B) Andhra Pradesh
(C) Tamil Nadu
(D) Maharashtra
Ans : (B)

How much part of India is irrigated by canals?
(A) 42%
(B) 60%
(C) 80%
(D) 25%
Ans : (A)

74. From where the Sirhind canal takes off?
(A) At Okhla near Delhi
(B) From Fire-lake at Khadakwesla
(C) From Gomati at Banbansa
(D) From the SutIej at Rupar
Ans : (D)

75. Where is Krishnaraja Sagar?
(A) In Kota
(B) In Udaipur
(C) In Mysore
(D) In Hyderabad
Ans : (C)

76. The number of wells in South India is very low because—
(A) The people of South India do not like to take water from wells
(B) Wells are difficult to dig because of hard rock underneath the thin layer of the soil
(C) There is too much rainfall therefore wells are not needed
(D) The people of South India do not know how to dig wells
Ans : (B)

77. For the production of wheat there should be—
(A) Cool and wet climate during its growing period but hot climate during the ripening period
(B) Sufficient heat but very little rainfall
(C) Sufficient heat and heavy rainfall
(D) Hot climate during the growing period but cool climate during the ripening period
Ans : (A)

78. During the summer monsoon the Himalayas have rains on their—
(A) Southern and western slopes
(B) Northern and eastern slopes
(C) Northern and western slopes
(D) Southern and eastern slopes
Ans : (D)

79. Which one of the following rivers originates from Amarkantak ?
(A) Son river
(B) Mahanadi
(C) Godavari river
(D) Sutlej river
Ans : (A)

80. The rivers of South India are—
(A) Suitable for hydro electricity
(B) Suitable sources of canals
(C) Full of water throughout the year
(D) Suitable for nevigation
Ans : (A)

81. Raining in Mumbai is—
(A) Mostly in summer
(B) Mostly in winter
(C) Throughout the year evenly
(D) Very rare
Ans : (A)

82. The Climate of India is—
(A) Mediterrian type
(B) Equatorial type
(C) Desert type
(D) Monsoon type
Ans : (D)

83. If Aravalli ranges were from east to west—
(A) There would be no difference at all
(B) Bengal would have been the dry area
(C) The western Rajasthan would never have been a desert
(D) Uttar Pradesh wold have been a desert
Ans : (C)

84. The range of temperature of Mathura in comparison of Kolkata is—
(A) Too much
(B) Too little
(C) Zero
(D) Uniform
Ans : (A)

85. The moist air masses that cause winter rains in the north-western region of India are part of—
(A) Trade winds
(B ) Westerlies
(C) Local disturbances
(D) Retreating monsoons
Ans : (B)

86. The chief production in region having black soil is—
(A) Cotton
(B) Rice
(C) Wheat
(D) Tea
Ans : (A)

87. Which one of the following soils found in India is the most useful for agriculture?
(A) Black or regur soil
(B) Alluvial soil
(C) Red and yellow soil
(D) Marshy soil
Ans : (B)

88. Kaziranga, the famous sanctuary of Assam is famous for—
(A) Rhinoes
(B) Tigers
(C) Lions
(D) Elephants
Ans : (A)

89. Sindri manufactures—
(A) Silk
(B) Paper
(C) Steel
(D) Fertilizers
Ans : (D)

90. Which one of the following forests is found in Sundarbans ?
(A) Evergreen forests
(B) Coniferous forests
(C) Coastal forests
(D) Deciduous forests
Ans : (C)

91. The leaves of the plants of desert forests are—
(A) Pointed in shape
(B) Small sized and thorny
(C) Long
(D) Broad
Ans : (B)

92. Railway coaches are made from—
(A) Shisham
(B) Deodar
(C) Teak
(D) Pine
Ans : (B)

93. Which one of the following is the biggest producer of rice?
(A) West Bengal
(B) Punjab
(C) Madhya Pradesh
(D) Rajasthan
Ans : (A)

94. What type of trees are found in the monsoon region?
(A) Broad leaf deciduous trees
(B) Evergreen trees
(C) Conifers
(D) Thorny bushes
Ans : (A)

95. What type of climate is required for sugarcane?
(A) Dry and hot
(B) Hot and wet
(C) Cold and dry
(D) Cold and wet
Ans : (B)

96. Sri Harikota situated in Andhra Pradesh is famous for—
(A) National Remote Sensing Agency
(B) Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre
(C) Satellite Control Centre
(D) Satellite Trackings and Ranging Station
Ans : (C)

97. A high ratio of non-workers to workers, as we have in India indicates—
(A) High degree of cultural development
(B) A State of self-sufficiency
(C) The rich natural resources of the country
(D) A rapid growth of population
Ans : (D)

98. What is Kolar ?
(A) Oil field in Assam
(B) A hydro-electric scheme in Bihar
(C) Gold fields in Karnataka
(D) A salt factory in Sambhal
Ans : (C)

99. Koderma, a place in Jharkhand is famous for—
(A) Mica mining centre
(B) Photogoods
(C) Cement factory
(D) Leather goods
Ans : (A)

100. Which one of the following states produces silver in abundance?
(A) Orissa
(B) Rajasthan
(C) Kerala
(D) West Bengal
Ans : (B)

101. What is the number of India among the producers of manganese ore in the world?
(A) Second
(B) First
(C) Third
(D) None
Ans : (C)

102. Which of the following is an igneous rocks?
(A) Limestone
(B) Slate
(C) Marble
(D) Basalt
Ans : (D)

103. Blue mountains are—
(A) The Vindyas
(B) The Nilgiri hills
(C) The Himalayas
(D) The Aravali ranges
Ans : (B)

104. The new name of Calicut, a famous city of Kerala is—
(A) Kozhikode
(B) Trivendrum
(C) Kalighat
(D) Koderma
Ans : (A)

105. The largest producer of Coco in Africa is—
(A) Ghana
(B) Sudan
(C) Nigeria
(D) Ivory Coast
Ans : (A)

106. Which state in India has highest population?
(A) Maharashtra
(B) Uttar Pradesh
(C) West Bengal
(D) Bihar
Ans : (B)

107. According to the census of 2001 which of the following cities in India has the maximum population?
(A) Mumbai
(B) Kolkata
(C) New Delhi
(D) Chennai
Ans : (A)

108. The only state in India that shows an excess of females over males is—
(A) Kerala
(B) Punjab
(C) Andhra Pradesh
(D) Assam
Ans : (A)

109. The Farakka Barrage has been constructed on the river—
(A) Hugli
(B) Brahmaputra
(C) Bhagirathi
(D) Padmini
Ans : (A)

110. The Gandhi Sagar dam has been constructed on the boundary of Rajasthan and—
(A) Orissa
(B) Madhya Pradesh
(C) Haryana
(D) Himachal Pradesh
Ans : (B)

111. Name the river whose water is utilized by Kakrapara project—
(A) Mahanadi
(B) Tunghbhadra
(C) Damodar
(D) Tapti
Ans : (D)

112. Which state in India occupies the first place in literacy—
(A) Uttar Pradesh
(B) Tamil Nadu
(C) Kerala
(D) Karnatak
Ans : (C)

113. Which State or Union Territory of India has the lowest literacy?
(A) Bihar
(B) Arunachal Pradesh
(C) Manipur
(D) Nagaland
Ans : (A)

114. Where is the headquarter of the Centre Board of Film censors?
(A) Mumbai
(B) Pune
(C) Chandigarh
(D) Kolkata
Ans : (A)

115. The highest number of cotton mills in India is —
(A) Ahmedabad
(B) Mumbai
(C) Coimbatore
(D) Kolkata
Ans : (A)

116. Churk is famous for—
(A) Cement factory
(B) Paper factory
(C) Sugar factory
(D) Carpet
Ans : (A)

117. The biggest newsprint paper mill of India is at—
(A) Titagarh
(B) Ballarpur
(C) Nepanagar
(D) Saharanpur
Ans : (C)

118. Bhilai Steel works has been built with the foreign collaboration of the—
(A) British
(B) Russians
(C) Germans
(D) Americans
Ans : (B)

119. The biggest number of sugar mills in India is in the state—
(A) Bihar
(B) Maharashtra
(C) Tamil Nadu
(D) Uttar Pradesh
Ans : (D)

120. The biggest number of jute mills in India is on the bank of the river—
(A) Hooghly
(B) Mahandi
(C) Brahmputra
(D) Cauvery
Ans : (A)

121. The biggest number of jute mills in India is in West Bengal because—
(A) This is the region of raw materials for jute products
(B) The climate is suitable
(C) It is near the consuming area
(D) Cheap supply of labour is available here
Ans : (A)

122. Which one of the following is the centre for cycle industry ?
(A) Firozabad
(B) Sonipat
(C) Allahabad
(D) Nagpur
Ans : (B)

123. Wet climate is suitable for cotton textile Industry because—
(A) Cotton yarn cannot be spun successfully under dry conditions
(B) The efficiency of the workers increases
(C) The rate of damage of machinery is decreased
(D) The rate of consumption electric power is decreased
Ans : (A)

124. 'Lalimli Mill' is in the town—
(A) Amritsar
(B) Faridabad
(C) Kanpur
(D) Ludhiana
Ans : (C)

125. Which one of the following cities in India is famous for gold wire embroidery on silken sarees even in foreign countries?
(A) Agra
(B) Varanasi
(C) Srinagar
(D) Tatanagar
Ans : (B)

Dalda brand vegetable Product is manufactured in—
(A) Mumbai
(B) Kanpur
(C) Modinagar
(D) Ghaziabad
Ans : (A)

127. Which one of the following towns in famous for glass bangles all over India?
(A) Sirampur
(B) Naini
(C) Mumbai
(D) Firozabad
Ans : (D)

128. Which is the longest road of India?
(A) Pathankot Jammu Road
(B) Great Deccan Road
(C) Grand Trunk Road
(D) Mahatma Gandhi Road
Ans : (C)

129. Dum Dum airport is in—
(A) Mumbai
(B) Kolkata
(C) Delhi
(D) Chennai
Ans : (B)

130. At present what is the length of Western Railway line?
(A) 6,475 kms
(B) 10,973 kms
(C) 7,051 kms
(D) 7,160 kms
Ans : (A)

131. The 'Head Quarters' of North East Railway is at—
(A) Delhi
(B) Gorakhpur
(C) Lucknow
(D) Kanpur
Ans : (B)

132. For going to Kashmir, the railway route is—
(A) Northern Railway
(B) North-East Railway
(C) Eastern Railway
(D) Western Railway
Ans : (A)

133. The Golden Temple Express runs between—
(A) New Delhi and Madurai
(B) Delhi and Howrah
(C) Amritsar and C.S.T.
(D) Ferozpur and Bombay V.T.
Ans : (C)

134. Where is the Railway Staff College situated?
(A) Ahmedabad
(B) Vadodara
(C) Chandausi
(D) Varanasi
Ans : (B)

135. The Diesel Locomotive Works is situated at—
(A) Varanasi
(B) Kolkata
(C) Chitranjan
(D) Jamshedpur
Ans : (A)

136. Which of the following trains runs between C. S. T. to Pune ?
(A) Rajdhani Express
(B) Deccan Queen
(C) Avadh Express
(D) Jayanti Janta
Ans : (B)

137. Chitranjan is famous for—
(A) Airport
(B) Ship building
(C) Production of electric and diesel locomotives
(D) Air craft factory
Ans : (C)

138. Inland Air services in India are run by the—
(A) Air India
(B) Air services of India
(C) Indian Air lines
(D) Air Bharat
Ans : (C)

139. Which of the states of India ranks first in tribal population?
(A) Assam
(B) Bihar
(C) Chhatisgarh
(D) Tamil Nadu
Ans : (C)

What is the rank of India in the world with respect to the population?
(A) Second
(B) First
(C) Third
(D) None
Ans : (A)

141. Which one of the following is used for measuring the speed of wind?
(A) Hygrometer
(B) Barometer
(C) Anemometer
(D) Thermometer
Ans : (C)

142. The maximum density of population of India is in the state—
(A) West Bengal
(B) Uttar Pradesh
(C) Kerala
(D) Haryana
Ans : (A)

143. What do you mean by the term density of population of a country ?
(A) The average number of deaths per annum
(B) The average number of births per annum
(C) The average number of people living in one hectare
(D) The average number of people living in one square kilometre
Ans : (D)

144. Chandigarh is the capital of—
(A) Punjab
(B) Haryana
(C) Punjab and Haryana
(D) Himachal Pradesh
Ans : (C)

145. The Capital of Karnatak state is—
(A) Hyderabad
(B) Bangalore
(C) Warangal
(D) Tiruvanantpuram
Ans : (B)

146. The biggest meteorological laboratory of India is in—
(A) Pune
(B) Jaipur
(C) Patna
(D) Kanpur
Ans : (A)

147. Which one of the following is the centre of Higher Technical education?
(A) Bhilai
(B) Kharagpur
(C) Srinagar
(D) Mathura
Ans : (B)

Which one of the following ports has replaced Karachi ?
(A) Kandla
(B) Mumbai
(C) Surat
(D) Cochin
Ans : (A)

149. Which is the best natural port of India?
(A) Kolkata
(B) Chennai
(C) Mumbai
(D) Kandla
Ans : (C)

150. Kakrapara Project is an irrigation project on the river of—
(A) Mahi
(B) Tapti
(C) Narmada
(D) Godavari
Ans : (B)

151. Bidi is manufactured in—
(A) Jabalpur
(B) Ajmer
(C) Gwalior
(D) Indore
Ans : (A)

152. The natural sea port from where spices, tea, coffee, sugar and coconut oil are exported, is—
(A) Kandla
(B) Chennai
(C) Vishakhapatnam
(D) Cochin
Ans : (D)

153. Which one of the following is known as 'Pittsburg of India' ?
(A) Baroda
(B) Rourkela
(C) Jamshedpur
(D) Durgapur
Ans : (C)

154. India imports chiefly from—
(A) Iran
(B) Russia
(C) Britain
(D) United State of America
Ans : (D)

155. The maximum export of India is to—
(A) United States of America
(B) Germany
(C) Russia
(D) Britain
Ans : (A)

156. The most leading port of India for import is—
(A) Mumbai
(B) Kandla
(C) Kolkata
(D) Chennai
Ans : (A)

157. Which of the following states produces asbestos in abundance?
(A) Bihar
(B) Rajasthan
(C) Andhra Pradesh
(D) Gujarat
Ans : (B)

158. Which is the richest state of India from the point of view of minerals?
(A) Kerala
(B) Bihar
(C) Maharashtra
(D) Madhya Pradesh
Ans : (D)

159. Which one of the following states is such whose inhabitants are mostly Christians?
(A) Nagaland
(B) Manipur
(C) Tamil Nadu
(D) Tripura
Ans : (A)

Which one of the following languages is used in Tripura ?
(A) Hindi
(B) Mizo
(C) Khasi
(D) Bengali
Ans : (D)

161. Which one of the following states is famous for sandal wood?
(A) Andhra Pradesh
(B) Kerala
(C) Karnataka
(D) Tamil Nadu
Ans : (C)

Which state of India is known as land of paradise?
(A) Uttar Pradesh
(B) Jammu and Kashmir
(C) Haryana
(D) Assam
Ans : (B)

163. In India, which coast receives rainfall from North East monsoon—
(A) Konkan Coast
(B) Malabar Coast
(C) Coromandal Coast
(D) Gujarat Coast
Ans : (C)

164. Which country is called the Sugar Bowl of the World ?
(A) India
(B) Cuba
(C) U.S.A.
(D) Indonesia
Ans : (B)

165. The Islands of Cloves is—
(A) Zanzibar
(B) New Zealand
(C) Sri Lanka
(D) Cuba
Ans : (A)

166. Croydon is an international air port of—
(A) U. S. A.
(B) France
(C) U. K.
(D) India
Ans : (C)

167. Which country is associated with 'kiwis' ?
(A) Phillippines
(B) New Zealand
(C) Malaysia
(D) Indonesia
Ans : (B)

168. What is the new name of Siam ?
(A) Thailand
(B) Canton
(C) Taiwan
(D) Timor
Ans : (A)

169. The capital of Norway is—
(A) Copenhagan
(B) Oslo
(C) Beirut
(D) Canton
Ans : (B)

170. Kalahari deert is in—
(A) North Africa
(B) South Africa
(C) South America
(D) Australia
Ans : (B)

171. Dead sea a salt water lake, is locatted between—
(A) Israel and Jordan
(B) Egypt and Libya
(C) Israel and Lebanon
(D) Morocco and Spain
Ans : (A)

172. Which river forms the boundary line between Uttar Pradesh and Haryana ?
(A) Sutlej
(B) Yamuna
(C) Ganga
(D) Parvati
Ans : (B)

Britain and France and divided by the natural boundary of—
(A) The Alps
(B) The English Channel
(C) The river Thames
(D) The river Seine
Ans : (B)

174. The coldest place of the world is in—
(A) Verkhoyansk
(B) Nr. Vostok
(C) Ust' Shchugor
(D) Snag
Ans : (B)

175. Which is the hottest place of the word?
(A) A Aziziyah
(B) Seville
(C) Death Valley
(D) Jacobabad
Ans : (A)

176. Which country is the biggest producer of tea in the world?
(A) India
(B) Russia
(C) China
(D) Brazil
Ans : (A)

Which country is the biggest producer of rubber in the world?
(A) Malaysia
(B) Sri Lanka
(C) Thailand
(D) Brazil
Ans : (A)

178. The Capital of Iran is—
(A) Bagdad
(B) Tehran
(C) Adan
(D) Basra
Ans : (B)

179. Which of the following rivers is known as the 'Sorrow of China' ?
(A) Hwang Ho
(B) Amur
(C) Mekong
(D) Yangteesi-Kiang
Ans : (A)

180. What is the main industrial production in Switzerland?
(A) Cotton textile
(B) Motor-cars
(C) Watch and clocks
(D) Cement
Ans : (C)

181. Paris is famous for—
(A) Museum and library
(B) Fashion and decoration
(C) Healthy climate
(D) Dairy industry
Ans : (B)

182. Which country of Europe is famous for dairy industry?
(A) Denmark
(B) Norway
(C) Sweden
(D) Switzerland
Ans : (A)

183. Which is the river that originates from Black Forest and falls in Black sea?
(A) Rhine
(B) Oder
(C) Danube
(D) Don
Ans : (C)

184. Which is the longest river of Europe ?
(A) Danube
(B) Volga
(C) Rhine
(D) Seine
Ans : (B)

185. Which country of Europe is known as the 'Country of Lakes' ?
(A) Finland
(B) Italy
(C) France
(D) Spain
Ans : (A)

186. Which is the mountain between the Black sea and Caspian sea?
(A) Ural
(B) Caucasus
(C) Alps
(D) Balkan
Ans : (B)

187. In which country of Europe is the active volcano of Vesuvius?
(A) Italy
(B) Norway
(C) France
(D) Germany
Ans : (A)

188. Which of the two Seas are linked by the strait of Gibraltar ?
(A) Black Sea and Caspian Sea
(B) North Sea and Baltic Sea
(C) Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea
(D) Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea
Ans : (C)

189. The Kiel canal links—
(A) Mediterranean and Black Sea
(B) Pacific and Atlantic oceans
(C) Mediterranean and Red Sea
(D) North Sea and Baltic Sea
Ans : (D)

190. The chief wine producer of the world is—
(A) Great Britain
(B) Norway
(C) France
(D) Germany
Ans : (C)

191. Which of the following has the greatest importance in commercial fisheries?
(A) Spain
(B) Dogger Banks
(C) Italy
(D) Portugal
Ans : (B)

192. What is the chief import of U.K. ?
(A) Food stuffs and raw material
(B) Machines and rubber
(C) Wine and biscuits
(D) Iron and coal
Ans : (A)

193. What is the chief mineral of Russia?
(A) Iron
(B) Coal
(C) Copper
(D) Tin
Ans : (B)

194. Edinburgh is famous for—
(A) Higher education
(B) Iron industry
(C) Dairy industry
(D) Fish industry
Ans : (A)

195. The longest railway line of the world is—
(A) Canadian Pacific Railway
(B) Cape-Cairo Railway
(C) Trans-Siberian Railway
(D) Paris-Constantinople Railway
Ans : (C)

196. In which one of the following places the population is very low?
(A) Interior part of Spain
(B) North plain of Italy
(C) Southern part of Holland
(D) Plain of Douro in Portugal
Ans : (A)

197. Chief Industry of Canada is—
(A) Wine
(B) Dairy
(C) Iron
(D) Wood pulp and paper
Ans : (D)

198. The Capital of U.S.A. is—
(A) St. Louis
(B) San Francisco
(C) Washington D.C.
(D) Newyork
Ans : (C)

199. Winnipeg is famous in the world for—
(A) Natural scenery
(B) Wheat centre
(C) High buildings
(D) Film industry
Ans : (B)

200. The name of the canal which links Pacific and Atlantic Ocean, is—
(A) Panama
(B) Suez
(C) Kiel
(D) None of these
Ans : (A)

201. The biggest lake of fresh water in the world is—
(A) Baikal lake
(B) Superior lake
(C) Nyasa lake
(D) Victoria lake
Ans : (B)

202. Which one of the following towns is not the railway station of Canadian Pacific Railway?
(A) Regina
(B) Winning
(C) San Francisco
(D) Vancouver
Ans : (C)

203. The river Mississipi falls in—
(A) The Gulf of Mexico
(B) Atlantic Ocean
(C) Pacific Ocean
(D) Superior lake
Ans : (A)

204. Sierra Nevada is the name of—
(A) An animal of America
(B) A disease found in America
(C) A fruit found in America
(D) A mountain in America
Ans : (D)

205. The biggest meat market of the world is in—
(A) London
(B) Boston
(C) Chicago
(D) Winnipeg
Ans : (C)

206. Red Indians are the original inhabitants of—
(A) Africa
(B) North America
(C) Asia
(D) Europe
Ans : (B)

207. Which part of North America is the most thinly populated?
(A) Alaska
(B) California
(C) Eastern Part of U.S.A.
(D) The region of great lakes
Ans : (A)

208. What is exported from Halifax?
(A) Wood and its articles
(B) Fish and Fruits
(C) Petroleum
(D) Wheat
Ans : (B)

209. What is the chief agricultural product of the U.S.A. ?
(A) Maize
(B) Cotton
(C) Barley
(D) Rice
Ans : (A)

210. What is the chief occupation of Brazilians?
(A) Sugar Production
(B) Mining
(C) Producing Coffee
(D) Sheep rearing
Ans : (C)

211. When does it rains in the Central valley of Chile?
(A) In summer
(B) In winter
(C) Throughout the year
(D) Never
Ans : (B)

212. Which is the biggest river of South America?
(A) Amazon
(B) Peru
(C) Orinico
(D) Parana-Paraguay
Ans : (A)

213. Where does the river Uruguay fall ?
(A) In Pacific ocean
(B) Titicaca lake
(C) In Carribean sea
(D) In Atlantic Ocean
Ans : (D)

214. What is Uspallata in South America?
(A) An animal
(B) A lake
(C) A pass
(D) None of these
Ans : (C)

215. Which one of the following regions, comes under the equatorial climate?
(A) Desert of Chile
(B) Amaion-basin
(C) Plain of Brazil
(D) Pampass
Ans : (B)

216. Which one of the following countries is famous for the production of nitre?
(A) Chile
(B) Brazil
(C) Peru
(D) Columbia
Ans : (A)

Which is the biggest port of Argentina?
(A) Bahia Blanca
(B) Buenos Aires
(C) La Plato
(D) Mar Del Plato
Ans : (B)

218. The capital of Brazil is—
(A) Bahia Blanca
(B) Buenos Aires
(C) La Plato
(D) Brasilia
Ans : (D)

219. The largest units of coir industry are located at—
(A) Kerala
(B) Andhra Pradesh
(C) Gujarat
(D) Haryana
Ans : (A)

220. Which country of the South America is known as 'Granary of Europe' ?
(A) Argentina
(B) Chile
(C) Brazil
(D) Bolivia
Ans : (A)

Atacama desert is in—
(A) Australia
(B) Asia
(C) Africa
(D) South America
Ans : (D)

222. The main region of the South America which produces wheat, is—
(A) Peru
(B) Pampas
(C) Brazil
(D) Columbia
Ans : (B)

223. Which country of the South America, is the biggest producer of Petroleum?
(A) Venezuela
(B) Peru
(C) Chile
(D) Brazil
Ans : (A)

Which one of the following animals is found in South America?
(A) Lama
(B) Kangaroo
(C) Giraffe
(D) Gorilla
Ans : (A)

225. The highest mountain peak in Africa is—
(A) Kenya
(B) Atlas
(C) Nyasa
(D) Kilimanjaro
Ans : (D)

226. Which one of the following countries is not in Africa?
(A) Kenya
(B) Nigeria
(C) Bolivia
(D) Ethiopia
Ans : (C)

What is the new name of the island of Madagascar ?
(A) Haitti
(B) Malagasy
(C) Mozambique
(D) Maputo
Ans : (B)

Kimberley, a town of South Africa is famous for—
(A) Diamonds
(B) Goldmines
(C) Poisoneous Snakes
(D) Seaport
Ans : (A)

229. In which part of Africa, Sahara desert is situated?
(A) Northern part
(B) Southern part
(C) Western part
(D) Eastern part
Ans : (A)

230. Africa is a hot continent, because—
(A) There are many volcanoes
(B) There is a great Sahara desert
(C) The greater part of the continent lies within the equatorial type of climate
(D) This is a big producer of spices
Ans : (C)

231. Which part of Africa has the highest population ?
(A) Valley of the river Niger
(B) Valley of the river Nile
(C) Valley of the river Congo
(D) Valley of the river Zambezi
Ans : (B)

232. Which is the largest lake in Africa?
(A) Tanganyika
(B) Nyasa
(C) Edward
(D) Victoria
Ans : (D)

233. What is said 'veld' in Africa?
(A) Savanna forest
(B) Equatorial forest
(C) Grass lands
(D) Tropical forest
Ans : (C)

234. The river Zambezi originates from—
(A) Victoria lake
(B) Western Plateau
(C) Tanganyika lake
(D) Mt. Atlas
Ans : (B)

235. Which one of the following is not in good number at the sea coasts of Africa?
(A) Rivers
(B) Islands
(C) Lakes
(D) Mountains
Ans : (B)

236. The ore for aluminium is—
(A) Hematite
(B) Bauxite
(C) Laterite
(D) Pyrolusite
Ans : (B)

237. Which one of the following is the largest lake in Rajasthan?
(A) Anasagar
(B) Pichhola
(C) Sambhar
(D) Udaisagar
Ans : (C)

In which part of Africa, Uranium is found?
(A) Sahara
(B) Congo basin
(C) Sudan
(D) Rhodesia
Ans : (B)

239. What is the most typical Australian tree?
(A) Oak
(B) Pine
(C) Eucalyptus
(D) Rubber
Ans : (C)

240. What is the main mineral of Australia?
(A) Gold
(B) Silver
(C) Lead
(D) Diamond
Ans : (A)

241. Kalgoorlie and coolgradie mines are in—
(A) Africa
(B) Australia
(C) North America
(D) Europe
Ans : (B)

242. Murray and Darling rivers fall in—
(A) The gulf of Carpentaria
(B) Pacific ocean
(C) Encounter Bay
(D) Indian ocean
Ans : (C)

243. The capital of Tasmania is—
(A) New castle
(B) Hobart
(C) Launceston
(D) Perth
Ans : (B)

244. What is the chief export from New Zealand?
(A) Wool
(B) Oil
(C) Motor car
(D) Cigarette
Ans : (A)

245. Which part of Australia receives rain throughout the year?
(A) Western part
(B) Eastern part
(C) Southern part
(D) Northern part
Ans : (D)

246. Which of the following is the chief crop of Australia?
(A) Rice
(B) Maize
(C) Wheat
(D) Potato
Ans : (C)

247. The chief imports of Australia is—
(A) Gold, cotton, iron and rice
(B) Cigarettes, motorcars, cotton clothes, machines and Petroleum
(C) Coal, iron and wool
(D) Meat, wheat, silver and woolen clothes
Ans : (B)

248. The original inhabitants of New Zealand are known as—
(A) Maoris
(B) Bedouins
(C) Magyars
(D) Tartars
Ans : (A)

249. To which side of Australia, Fiji island is situated?
(A) North-west side
(B) North-east side
(C) In South
(D) In West
: (B)

250. In which of the foIlowing countries, the Christmas festival is celebrated in summer season?
(A) New Zealand
(B) Germany
(C) Japan
(D) New Foundland
Ans : (A)

251. Which one of the following food grains is grown in China in the largest quantity?
(A) Rye
(B) Barley
(C) Rice
(D) Maize
Ans : (C)

252. The climate of South East Australia is cold because—
(A) It is very near to the equator
(B) It is a hilly highland
(C) It is very near to sea
(D) It is in the region of cold winds
Ans : (B)

253. What is Great Barrier Reef?
(A) A belt of Coral along the east coasts of Australia
(B) A cave between Sydney and Malbourne
(C) A fish found area in the sea near New Zealand
(D) A mine situated in the Great Victoria Valley
Ans : (A)

254. Paradeep port lies in—
(A) Kerala
(B) Orissa
(C) Andhra Pradesh
(D) Tamil Nadu
Ans : (B)

255. A radio broadcast from Tokyo on Saturday at 12 noon should be heard at Vancouver—
(A) The same morning
(B) The same evening
(C) On Friday
(D) On Sunday
Ans : (C)

256. Lines joining places receiving equal amount of rainfall are called—
(A) Isohalines
(B) Isobars
(C) Isotherms
(D) Isohyets
Ans : (D)

257. Which State is the largest producer of manganese in India?
(A) Assam
(B) Rajasthan
(C) Madhya Pradesh
(D) Orissa
Ans : (D)

258. Which is the largest cotton producing country in the world?
(A) Russia
(B) U.S.A.
(C) India
(D) Egypt
Ans : (B)

259. The capital of Western Australia is—
(A) Sydney
(B) Canberra
(C) Malbourne
(D) Perth
Ans : (D)

260. Which of the following has the smallest population ?
(A) Myanmar
(B) Canada
(C) Romania
(D) Australia
Ans : (D)

261. The biggest island in the world is—
(A) New Guinea
(B) Borneo
(C) Greenland
(D) Sumatra
Ans : (C)

262. They Sea port which does not have a petroleum refinery?
(A) Kandla
(B) Mangalore
(C) Chennai
(D) Cochin
Ans : (A)

263. The largest lake in India is—
(A) Wular
(B) Sambhar
(C) Chika
(D) Dal
Ans : (A)

264. Which of the following rivers occupies a riftvalley?
(A) Narmada
(B) Cauvery
(C) Mahanadi
(D) Sutlej
Ans : (A)

265. Sindri is famous for—
(A) Oil refining
(B) Aluminium manufacture
(C) Machine-tool industry
(D) Fertilizer production
Ans : (D)

266. The solar eclipse occurs when—
(A) The sun comes in between the moon and the earth
(B) The earth comes in between the sum and the moon
(C) The moon comes in between the sun and the earth
(D) The moon, the sun and the earth are in a straight line
Ans : (C)

267. The spring tide occurs when the moon, the sun and the earth make in angle of—
(A) 180°
(B) 90°
(C) 45°
(D) 33°
Ans : (A)

268. Atacama is—
(A) A desert region of North Chile
(B) The grassland of Argentina
(C) The peninsular portion of Eastern Mexico
(D) A desert region in Southern California
Ans : (A)

269. The Panama Canal shorterns the distance between—
(A) The Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean sea
(B) The Red sea and the Arabian sea
(C) The Pacific and the Atlantic oceans
(D) The Atlantic ocean and the Indian ocean
Ans : (C)

270. The inclination of the earth's axis to plane of the orbit is—
(A) 90°
(B) 23½°
(D) 66½°
(C) 0°
Ans : (B)

271. Which of the following towns is a modern planned town?
(A) Kolkata
(B) Varanasi
(C) Chennai
(D) Chandigarh
Ans : (D)

Some one travels from Kolkata to Delhi through the Gangetic plain, he would notice that the cultivation of wheat—
(A) Decreases
(B) Increases
(C) First decreases and then increases
(D) First increases and then decreases
Ans : (B)

273. Nuclear power station in Uttar Pradesh is at—
(A) Mathura
(B) Narora
(C) Lucknow
(D) Kanpur
Ans : (B)

274. The scandinavian countries are located in high latitudes. Parts of countries located in the same latitudes freeze during winter, but the ports located on the Norwegian coast do not freeze.
This is the mainly due to the fact that—
(A) Many small rivers drain to the sea
(B) There is a chain of volcanoes
(C) The North Atlantic Drift flows past the coast
(D) The Westerlies blow from the South West
Ans : (C)

275. Temperature varies from place to place with latitude and altitude. It may increase or decrease depending upon the factors that affect temperature. Certain anomalies may also develop on account of tmique combination of factors. The inversion of temperature would mean that the—
(A) Temperature decreases with elevation
(B) Temperature is constant at different eleations
(C) Temperature decreases and then increases with elevation
(D) Temperature changes along the same latitude
Ans : (C)

276. Natural vegetation of a region depends mainly on climate and hence there are distinctive areas of different types of vegetation. The governing factors in general are temperature, and precipitation. Accordingly, pine forests in India are found in—
(A) The Sunderbans
(B) The Thar desert
(C) The Himalayas
(D) The Ganga plain
Ans : (C)

277. India is an agricultural country and possesses fertile plains and numerous perennial rivers. About 72 per cent of its population resides in the rural areas. Nearly 70 per cent of the people are dependent on agriculture. About three-fourths of the cultivated land of India is used for food production because—
(A) The soil is suitable for food crops
(B) India is an exporter of food grains
(C) India has to feed a large population
(D) Per capita consumption of food in India is the highest in the world
Ans : (A)

278. A considerable part of our cotton, woollen and silk goods is produced on handlooms and powerlooms. Khaddar cloth is made out of handspun yarn. The Indian sarees which have become popular in the western world are produced in the decentralised sector. As many as five million people are employed in this sector. The number is bigger than the total number of persons employed in the organized industries and mining put together. The handloom and Khadi industry is located—
(A) In the urban areas of India
(B) In the capital towns of the states
(C) Largely in the rural areas of India
(D) Only on the urban fringes
Ans : (C)

279. The youngest folded mountain in India is—
(A) Vindhyas
(B) Aravallis
(C) Nilgiris
(D) Siwaliks
Ans : (D)

280. Which of the followings is the shortest day in the southern hemisphere ?
(A) March 21
(B) June 21
(C) September 22
(D) December 23
Ans : (B)

281. Which of the following ports does not have an oil refinery?
(A) Cochin
(B) Chennai
(C) Tuticoran
(D) Mumbai
Ans : (C)

282. In which of the following minerals in India not self sufficient?
(A) Copper
(B) Iron ore
(C) Coal
(D) Mica
Ans : (A)

283. The Mathura refinery gets its crude supply from—
(A) Assam oil fields
(B) Gujarat oil fields
(C) Bombay High
(D) Imported stock
Ans : (C)

284. The highest peak of Peninsular India is ?
(A) Anaimudi
(B) Kalsubai
(C) Ooty
(D) Mahabaleswar
Ans : (A)

285. Nearly half of the total production of sugarcane in India comes from Uttar Pradesh alone, because—
(A) The yield per hectare is the highest in U.P.
(B) The prevailing climate of U.P. is best suited for sugarcane cultivation
(C) Thick variety of sugarcane is cultivated in U.P.
(D) Area under sugarcane cultivation is the highest in U.P.
Ans : (D)

286. The Tigris river flows mainly through—
(A) Turkey
(B) Syria
(C) Iraq
(D) Iran
Ans : (C)

287. Which of the following is the largest producer of mineral oil in the world?
(A) Russia
(B) U.S.A.
(C) Saudi Arabia
(D) Kuwait
Ans : (B)

288. The mediterranean climate is characterized by—
(A) Humid summers and humid winters
(B) Humid summers and dry winters
(C) Dry summers and dry winters
(D) Dry summers and humid winters
Ans : (D)

289. Which of the following plants is used for making Kaththa ?
(A) Accacia arabica
(B) Accacia Catechu
(C) Accacia senegal
(D) Laccifer lacca
Ans : (B)

The lower layer of the atmosphere is known as—
(A) Mesosphere
(B) Ionosphere
(C) Troposphere
(D) Stratosphere
Ans : (C)

291. The line joining places which have the same height above mean sea level is called—
(A) Isohyte
(B) Isobar
(C) Contour line
(D) Isohaline
Ans : (C)

292. The cold northern island of Japan is—
(A) Kyushu
(B) Konshu
(C) Kokkaido
(D) Shikoku
Ans : (C)

293. Dandakaranya is located in—
(A) Northern India
(B) Central India
(C) Norther-Eastern India
(D) Southern India
Ans : (B)

294. Which of the following is NOT a coal field?
(A) Raniganj
(B) Jharia
(C) Mosabani
(D) Korba
Ans : (C)

295. The summer solstice in northern hemisphere occurs when the sun is directly overhead at noon on—
(A) The Tropic of Capricorn
(B) The Tropic of Cancer
(C) The equator
(D) None of the above
Ans : (B)

296. Cactus is a plant usually found in—
(A) Flood plains
(B) Semiarid regions
(C) Deltaic regions
(D) Fresh water lakes
: (B)

297. Which of the following is a land locked country ?
(A) Afghanistan
(B) Myanmar (Burma)
(C) Philippines
(D) Israel
Ans : (A)

298. The Bhakra Nangal dam is the largest producer of raw silk?
(A) Ravi
(B) Beas
(C) Sutlej
(D) Yamuna
Ans : (C)

299. Which of the following is the largest producer of raw silk?
(A) Tamil Nadu
(B) Karnataka
(C) Andhra Pradesh
(D) Jammu and Kashmir
Ans : (B)

300. The moon revolve round the earth in—
(A) 30 days
(B) 29 days
(C) 28½ days
(D) 27⅓ days
Ans : (D)

301. The Tapti river rises from the—
(A) Vindhyan range
(B) Satpura range
(C) Maikal range
(D) Mahadev hills
Ans : (D)

302. States with long coastal boundaries are producers of salt in India. However half of the country's sea salt production comes from Saurashtra-Gujarat. This is due to—
(A) Its longest coast line
(B) High salinity of sea water
(C) A large number of medium sized ports
(D) Well developed industrial market in the State
Ans : (B)

303. The greatest deposits of loess are found in—
(A) New Zealand
(B) Central Europe
(C) China
(D) Argentina
Ans : (C)

304. The general trend of Isotherms on the globe is—
(A) East-West
(B) North-South
(C) North-East
(D) South-West
Ans : (A)

305. The rate of cooling of ascending air is—
(A) 1°C for every 300 metres
(B) 2°C for every 300 metres
(C) 2.5°C for every 300 metres
(D) 3°C for every 300 metres
Ans : (B)

306. The diameter of moon is—
(A) 3475 km
(B) 3250 km
(C) 3500 km
(D) 3258 km
Ans : (A)

307. A column of air 1 sq. cm. in cross-sectional area extending from sea-level to the top of the atmosphere weights approximately—
(A) 933 g wt
(B) 1033 g wt
(C) 1136 g wt
(D) 1360 g wt
Ans : (B)

308. Drowned glaciated valleys in high latitude regions are known as—
(A) Fiords
(B) Ocean ridges
(C) Sub-marine canyons
(D) Glaciated valleys
Ans : (A)

309. The doldrum area comes into the trade winds In—
(A) Autumn
(B) Summer
(C) Spring
(D) Winter
Ans : (B)

310. Plant cover of Deserts in the world is—
(A) Tall grasses
(B) Perennial Xerophytic shrubs
(C) Dwarf trees
(D) Water storing plants
Ans : (B)

311. Barchan dunes will tend to form in—
(A) Hot deserts
(B) Humid tropical areas
(C) Coastal areas
(D) Polar deserts
Ans : (A)

312. The earth while orbitting makes various angles with the sun's rays. On 22nd December, the rays are vertical on earth at—
(A) 23½°
(B) 30° North
(C) 23½° South
(D) 30° South
Ans : (C)

313. In which period people visit Hammerfest (about 71° N 24°E) to see the beauty of the Midnight Sun?
(A) March to May
(B) June to August
(C) September to November
(D) December to February
Ans : (B)

314. Which one of the following has been formed differently from the other three?
(A) Peat
(B) Bituminus
(C) Lignite
(D) Graphite
Ans : (D)

315. If the locations of two places on the map are 60°N 90°E and 40°S 90°E, what is the direct distance in kilometres between these places?
(A) 11100
(B) 10000
(C) 11000
(D) 11200
Ans : (A)

316. North-Western parts of India get winter rainfall mainly due to—
(A) North-West monsoon
(B) Western disturbances
(C) North-East monsoon
(D) Retreating monsoon
Ans : (B)

317. Which valley is formed as a result of tectonic forces?
(A) 'V' -shaped valley
(B) 'U' -shaped valley
(C) Hanging valley
(D) Rift valley
Ans : (D)

318. Which forest is known for large scale lumbering ?
(A) Equatorial forests
(B) Mixed forests
(C) Coniferous forests
(D) Monsoon forests
Ans : (C)

319. What is the chief characteristics of monsoon climate?
(A) Daily range of temperature very high
(B) Complete reversal of wind direction with the change of season
(C) Annual range of temperature very high
(D) Heavy rainfall mainly during winter
Ans : (B)

320. Soils are usually formed by the process of—
(A) Erosion
(B) Deposition
(C) Denudation
(D) Weathering
Ans : (D)

321. Which group of maps are the large scale maps?
(A) Atlas and wall maps
(B) Themetic and political maps
(C) Physical and weather maps
(D) Cadastral and Tourist Guide maps
Ans : (D)

322. If the R.F. of a map is 1 : 10,00,000 what could be its statement of scale?
(A) 1 cm-l0 km
(B) 1 cm-l km
(C) 1 cm-100 km
(D) 1 cm-l000 km
Ans : (A)

323. Sugar industry in India has a tendency to migrate towards south because—
(A) The soils of South India are highly suitable for cultivation of sugarcane
(B) The climate of South India is more suitable for the production of sugarcane
(C) The per capita consumption of sugar in the South is more than the North
(D) The winds coming from the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea increase the sugar content in the sugarcane
Ans : (B)

324. Which of the following two rivers are navigable for big distances—
(A) Godavari and Tungbhadra
(B) Narmada and Tapti
(C) Ganga and Brahamputra
(D) Damodar and Kosi
Ans : (C)

325. Gujarat is the largest producer of salt in India because—
(A) Its coastal waters are very saline
(B) It has extensive dry coast
(C) It has extensive shallow seas
(D) Its inhabitants are expert in preparing salt
Ans : (A)

326. Which soil is formed differently from the other three soils?
(A) Regur
(B) Bhabar
(C) Bangar
(D) Khadar
Ans : (A)

Amongst the cereals, this has the largest production in India
(A) Wheat
(B) Maize
(C) Ric
(D) Barley
Ans : (C)

328. The largest desert in the World is—
(A) Gobi
(B) Kalahari
(C) Patagonia
(D) Sahara
Ans : (D)

329. Ruhr region is situated in—
(A) Poland
(B) Russia
(C) Germany
(D) France
Ans : (C)

330. Earthquake waves are recorded in—
(A) Barograph
(B) Hydrograph
(C) Seismograph
(D) Pantagraph
Ans : (C)

331. Which of these is young folded mountain?
(A) The Himalayas
(B) The Vindhyas
(C) The Nilgiris
(D) The Western Ghats
Ans : (A)

332. Ankaleshwar is famous for—
(A) Gold mining
(B) Petrochemical Industry
(C) Manufacturing Industry
(D) Wheat producton
Ans : (B)

333. Which country imports iron most?
(A) Germany
(B) France
(C) Sweden
(D) Japan
Ans : (D)

334. Chittaranjan is famous for—
(A) Cotton manufacturing Industry
(B) Sugar Industry
(C) Fertilizer Industry
(D) Locomotive Industry
Ans : (D)

335. Which of the following is not a mineral ?
(A) Slate
(B) Limestone
(C) Coal
(D) Calcite
Ans : (A)

336. Which one is the biggest planet of the Solar system?
(A) Mercury
(B) Earth
(C) Pluto
(D) Jupiter
Ans : (D)

337. Rourkela Steel Plant of Orissa gets its iron ore from—
(A) Noamundi
(B) Bonai
(C) Barsua
(D) All above
Ans : (D)

338. 'Meghalaya' is the name given to the region corresponding to—
(A) Lushai Hill Region
(B) Garo-Khasi Hill Region
(C) Nefa Region
(D) Nagaland
Ans : (B)

339. Which of the following is a port in Persian Gulf?
(A) Port Said
(B) Suez Port
(C) Eden Port

(D) Bandar Abbas
Ans : (D)

340. The strait of Hormuz joins which of the following water bodies—
(A) Red sea and Mediterranean sea
(B) Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman
Caspian sea and Black sea
(D) Gulf of Oman and Arabian sea
Ans : (B)

341. Which of the following lies on the left bank of the Ganga?
(A) Kanpur
(B) Patna
(C) Allahabad
(D) Varanasi
Ans : (D)

342. Bhor Ghat gap gives access to the railway link between—
(A) Mumbai and Jalgaon
(B) Mumbai and Pune
(C) Cochin and Coimbatore
(D) Trivandrum and Kanyakumari
Ans : (B)

343. We generally measure the depth of the Sea in—
(A) Feet
(B) Fathoms
(C) Metres
(D) Nautical miles
Ans : (B)

344. Hanging valleys are formed due to the action of—
(A) River
(B) Glacier
(C) Waves of the ocean
(D) Volcanic eruption
Ans : (B)

345. In the northern hemisphere, due to Ferrel's law the wind is deflected—
(A) Towards its right
(B) Towards its left
(C) Towards its north
(D) Towards its south
Ans : (A)

346. The largest number of jute mills are located along—
(A) Ganga Valley
(B) Brahmaputra Valley
(C) Godavari basin
(D) Hooghly basin
Ans : (D)

347. Mettur dam is built on the—
(A) Godavari river
(B) Krishna river
(C) Kaveri (Cauvery) river
(D) Tungabhadra river
Ans : (C)

348. The phases of moon are caused by—
(A) The rotation of the earth
(B) The rotation of the moon
(C) The revolution of the earth
(D) The revolution of the moon
Ans : (B)

349. The average time interval between successive high tide and low tide is—
(A) 12 hours and 26 minutes
(B) 6 hours and 12 minutes
(C) 24 hours and 52 minutes
(D) 50 minutes
Ans : (C)

350. The planet with the shortest year is—
(A) Earth
(B) Mercury
(C) Mars
(D) Pluto
Ans : (B)

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